the hearts made of paper to be burned from the fire of love or for the others as hate
will they survive the death of their own self to be able to live for their tomorrow
What happens when Kim tae...
(He picked up his phone from the floor as the door opened)
Hoseok: everything's okay? (He said in a concerned tone)
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Jimin: oh uhh yeah I am okay hmm why are you here (he said facing to the book shelf) Hoseok: hmm can you set up the meeting with suho I can't reach him Jimin: hmm okay Hoseok: are you really okay (he puts a hand on his shoulder) Jimin: (he sighed hardly) I am perfectly fine do you have anything more to say? Hoseok: uh umm nah but feel free to share something if you want to Jimin: thanks dude Hoseok: okay I'll be off then
Hoseok left the room
Jimin: can you set up a guard for her
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(He was on a phonecall)
$$: sir I will but you know what if they suspect us? Jimin: don't worry I'll handle the things $$: okay sir but if she recognize me? Jimin: she won't! just do as I say $$: okay sir
(HINT: $$ is the one who gave pendrive of Jin's recording to V in chapter:8)
Y/n: hey taehyung
Tae: hmm
(They were having breakfast)
Y/n: I was thinking if I can meet with minsa? (I questioned although I know his answer) Tae: no (he said blankly) Y/n: please just for 15 minutes I just wanna meet her it's been about a month I haven't contacted her Tae: it's 19 days in total
I was surprised woah was he counting the days??
Y/n: but please you can just ask suga to bring her here it's all you need I will not go anywhere I promise just for 15 or 30 minutes please (I pleaded with all my will) Tae: not today (he said again blankly eating his pancakes) Y/n: but when pleaseeee I wanna meet her and I am sure she also want to meet me