CHAPTER-35 Suffer

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Suga: no J-Jimin it's not true
Jimin: hyung taehyung's right last time ;
you also let my sister to go with them it's was you
Hosoek: jimin are you out of your mind!!
Jimin: I don't want to see you ever again (as he harshly leave suga on the ground and walked upstairs)

Suga: taehyung so it's the fruit I got after all of these years with you !! (He said while standing up)
Tae: oh just shut up!!
Hoseok: taehyung you were the one who told him to stay here
Tae: then you are saying it's namjoon huh!! Just shut up he won't do anything like this!! Then listen (he again grabbed him with his collar) he can't do this he gave me his words
Hoseok: taehyung we don't have time it's not anyone's fault and no one has betrayed you we are loyal to you the first day we met
Tae: Leave me alone (he said letting go of his collar)
Hoseok: but still you have to know!! You are misunderstanding suga
Suga: hoseok! Enough! He won't listen (he said holding him)
Tae: LEAVE!!! (he said as he throwed the glass against a wall)

They both left the room

Tae: ( what am I even doing he's my brother he know me more then anyone but I can't believe he can do something like this) he thought as he ruffled his hair in frustration


Jimin's p.o.v

He took Hand of the small body laid Infront of him

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He took Hand of the small body laid Infront of him. her lips having multiple cuts as well as the hand and arm bandaged neatly
She was now changed to a loose vest along with a trouser blanket tugged
He brushed her hair after placing a soft kiss on her forehead

Jimin: you will get well soon just hang in there I know what he did to you but I also promise now to protect you by myself

He said and looked at her one last time then closed the door and went outside

There was a maid he called her

Maid: yes sir?
Jimin: inform me when she will wake up and keep near her provide her everything
Maid; yes sir

On his way to stairs he listened to hosoek and suga

Hoseok: I believe you hyung
Suga: hoseok it's n-namjoon
Hoseok: what do you mean?
Suga: he was the one who knew where Jin was heading to but he didn't told us
Hoseok: but if it's not him
Suga: you have to believe me it was him
Hoseok: the problem now is taehyung won't listen
Suga: I am afraid hoseok what if he would get in more trouble

Jimin: now what more trouble you are going to give us huh suga

(He said interrupting the conversation)

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