Part 2(the happiness of the shelter).

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All the butterflies were happy because of their shelters they could not stop thanking their Queen Beauty for what she has done for them .One day all the butterflies except Queen Beauty gathered to take a plan so that they can thank the Queen for what she has done for them.
Everyone brought an idea one butterfly called Ralph brought a very superb idea and his idea was to surprise her on her birthday so that she would get happy on her birthday and and would never forget that day.
And on that day we will show her how appreciative we are for what she did.
The day for the party was due and everyone was happy for their queen but there was a problem and the problem was that the Queen has gone out ,but they all gathered and brought an idea and the idea was that the will make the arrangements at the Queen's shelter so that when she comes she will be surprised and happy the we will appear and wish her a happy birthday and also sing happy birthday song and also we have to go to the church and pray for her so that she would get lon life.

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