Chapter 2

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Where It All Started

I woke up the next day and got ready for school. I headed downstairs and saw Dad and Mum in the kitchen. I smiled as I saw them.
" Morning mum. Morning Dad! " I say as I sat down and Sofia, our maid set a plate of waffles infornt me. I thanked her and started to dig in.

" So, how's school going? " I heard dad and smiled.
" It's pretty good. " I said with a fake grin plastered on my face.

" That's good. It's weekend tomorrow, right? " He asks and I nodded.

" Okay. I'll be needing your help tomorrow. " He says and I frowned. I wanted to ask him but better not push the buttons so I just nodded sliently and did my breakfast. I grabbed my car keys and headed to the door.

" Bye guys! " I say shutting the door. I hopped in my car and drove off to MJ's house. I honked as my car pulled up, tires screeching.

MJ came out of her house, and climbed in the passenger seat. We drove to school and I parked my car. Getting out, I locked it after swinging my bag on my shoulder lazily and we walked inside. As usual, people made way for me as I walked and reached my Locker.

I took out my books for the next two classes and shut the locker. I still had the bruise from last night but I didn't care as I folded the long sleeves of my black hoodie.

I scrolled through my feed till the bell rings and I turned around grabbing my bag from the floor and saw Peter rush in. He looked really hot in the blue Midtown hoodie.

I shook my head from the thoughts and left for the class

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I shook my head from the thoughts and left for the class. I sat at my usual seat and MJ joined soon.

The classes went by and it was finally Lunch. I sighed as I realized I get to see Peter and sat my table across his beside the row. MJ and Liz came by soon and Flash joined too. I noticed Josh didn't come to school today so I figured he must be in the lock up for a day or two. Thanks to Spiderman.

After the lunch, I had gym so I went in the lockers and changed. I walked to gym and coach started the speech of Captain America. I really wonder how it feels, being a superhero, helping people. I'd love to be one but I don't think I'm that gifted.

I sighed as coach blew his whistle and asked us to do fifty crunches each. I partnered with some girl named Cassy and wasn't very good at work outs. MJ decides she'll read so I was paired with this silent girl who seems to look at the ground instead of me.

I stayed on the ground, waiting for her to hold my legs but she didn't so I cleared my throat. I noticed her cheeks and ears turn pink as she hurriedly wrapped her arms around my knees.

I chuckled and started my crunches. It was pretty hard to do. In the mid way, my eyes roamed around and caught Peter doing the crunches as if its nothing. He's speed and he didn't have a single sweat drop on his body. He was busy talking with Ned and I can't believe it!

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