Chapter 6

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--They leaned in and their lips touched--

I woke up next morning and saw all my clothes and stuff were already here except my gadgets and some other clothes.

I smiled as chose one of my not-exactly-dark clothes since I wasn't in a depressed mood today. I headed downstairs and saw Tony and Pepper and smiled.

" Morning! " I said as I slid on one of the chairs.

" Morning, kid. How was sleep? " Tony asks and I smiled.

" Peaceful. I would ask you the same but I bet you didn't even sleep last night? " I ask and he chuckled, nodding.

" How do you know him so well? " Pepper asks and I shrug.

" I don't know. " I said and Pepper smiled.

" Anyway. Breakfast. You're finishing all that. " She says and I looked at the vegetable salad infront of me. I then looked at Pepper who gave me a grin while Tony just shrugged.

" This is torture! " I said dramatically and started eating the salty green leaves while the two chuckled.

I did the breakfast and got up, picking my bag.

" I'll head to school. Bye! " I said and turned around.

" Do you want Happy to drop you? " I heard Tony's voice and smiled.

" I'll take a walk. Thanks though. " I said smilig at him and he nodded.

" Be careful! " I heard and chuckled.

" I will! " I yelled as I stepped out the Living Room. I made my way out of the tower and hurried to school. I have to be careful with these unknown powers.

I reached the school and thankfully, I checked if I still have my car in the old house on the way and it was. I decided I'll take it "home" after school. After all, I was the one who earned it.

I reached my locker and took out my books, shutting the door. As I turned around, I was crushed in a hug.

" I'm okay. We're okay. " I say and MJ breaks the hug.

" Hey! I'll be needing the spare key I gave you of my car. " I said and she nodded, walkih to her locker which was across me and took it out, tossing it to me.

We walked to the class and I didn't see Peter anywhere so I thought he might be late. Luckily, MJ was with me in History.


It was lunch and I was sitting at my usual table with MJ and Noah. Across me were Liz, Flash and Abraham. Oh! You Might probably wondering who Noah is? He's an exchange student. He's my lab partner too. Very funny, tall, blue eyes and charming. Not that I have a crush on him but we're really good friends.

I peeked to Peter's table and saw him talking to Ned. I sighed and went back to eating.

After the lunch, I had a free period so I went to the library to read in peace with MJ. I entered and sat at our usual spot in the library and I started reading a Novel MJ gave me. It was interesting. The Maze Runner.

I looked at my wrist watch, invented by me and saw that it was time. I decided I'll ask Noah for the Homecoming if Peter doesn't ask me. Noah asked me to meet him at the basketball court so I decided I'll head there.

" Hey! I'll meet you in the next class. Noah texted me he wants to talk about something. " I said and she wiggled her eyebrows and I rolled my eyes, laughing. I got up, packing my bag and left.

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