The Forbidden Black Rose (Atem love Story!)

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Chapter 1:Broken Heart

I yawned stretching my arms above me as I slowly awoke from my long night of sleep. I smiled placing my feet on the cool mahogany floors grabbing my clothes from the bench making my way to the bathroom. I placed them on the toilet striping my nightclothes off and headed into the shower. The hot water relaxed my muscles comforting my body before walking out of the shower to looking at my reflection in the mirror. I could not believe what had happened to me since I met him, my hair was now as blond as the sun while my blue ocean eye reflected back as me. I sighed seeing the sadness within my eyes as I brushed my long hair out lightly putting it in a braded bun. I began to put my make up on my face when my cell phone in my room began to ring I walked into my room to look at my phone to see it was my boyfriend calling.

“Hello.” I answered going back into the bathroom to slip on my black mini skirt.

“Are you almost ready Siria I’m on my way to pick you up?”  He asked obviously tired.

“Yes I’m Almost done I’ll meet you outside.” I said slipping on my light blue shirt heading down stairs to pick up my high heels

“Bye.” He said ending our conversation.

I smiled walking into the kitchen to see breakfast was made for me with a note from my parents. I looked at it briefly before shoving my food down my throat, running out of my house with my backpack to wait for my boyfriend’s car to roll up. I lean against the fence watching as a sleek white limo pulled up into the curve the driver got out and opened to door to a very handsome well dressed Seto Kaiba wearing a gleaming white suit. I smiled climbing into the limo sitting next to the most handsome and rich man ever he lightly smiled wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into his lap placing a kiss on my awaiting lips.

We spent our time being a couple when Domino High Came into view we separated looking our best as the car came to a holt at the main entrance.  The door opened to a crowd of screaming fangirls as they watched Seto walk out of the limo holding his hand to me. I smiled laying my hand in his as he pulled me to my feet, he gave a light smile to me and left to get to his class. I walked over to my group of new friends who greeted me with fake smiles I could see them faking it they all had it out for me because I had the hottest guy in school. I looked back to see my old group of friend the ones I had to leave when I became Seto’s girlfriend. They all looked at me with hatred in their eyes as I looked at them well except for Evelyn she just smiled and waved like usual I smiled back before turning to Jessica to hear her story when the bell suddenly rang everyone took off to their first class of the day. I ran into biology so I was not late, hours had pass nothing out of the ordinary happened till my phone started to vibrate during math class. I opened the text message to see that it was from Seto.

“Siria meet me on the roof now.” I looked at it again before raising my hand asking the teacher if I could go to the restroom she nods so I push my seat out and walk out of the room. Slowly I walk up the stairs think of why he wanted to see me all of the sudden. “Did I do something wrong, was he mad at me?” Was all that was going through my head as my hand touched the handle hesitantly twisting it pushing the door open to the roof.

“Seto you wanted to see me?” I asked walking over to where he was standing.

“Siria I’ve been thinking and I think its time for us to go our different ways.” He said turning towards me with cold cruel eyes.

“What! Why!” I screamed at him as my heart began to shatter.

“I can’t keep messing with you I was only stringing you along I have nor will I ever love someone like you!” He growled.

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