Chapter: 4 The Angry Pharaoh

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Chapter: 4 The Angry Pharaoh

Atem opened his eyes as his priest Seth came in to get his pharaoh out of bed to start the long day of duties ahead of him.  He yawn sitting up in bed the thin sheet slide down his tan body exposing the delectable looking eight pack of abs. Pulling himself out of bed the young pharaoh began to slip on his royal clothing when the royal dress caught his eye as it laid there awaiting the day when the pharaoh picks a girl to be his bride. Smiling he imagined the beautiful girl he met last night within the dress spinning around admiring herself when she noticed the pharaoh. She smiled, “what do you think my pharaoh?” She said walking over to the mighty ruler wrapping her arms around his neck. “You my dear are as beautiful as ever never leave my side.” As soon as the word left his mouth she disappeared leaving him with a dumbfound priest.

“Uh my pharaoh, are you all right?” His faith friend and follower ask.

“Yes I'm fine.” He chuckled placing the Millennium puzzle around his neck before walking with his priest to the throne room. The pharaoh sat on the throne looking up at his faithful priests that stood by his side protecting him from his foes. “So Mahado what does today’s schedule look like?”

“Well my pharaoh it looks like today you have two meetings with the eastern and western clans, you will also be listening to the complaints of the citizen within the city but then you will have the rest of the day to do with anyway you please.” Mahado said bowing his head in respect. Atem sighed turning his head as the first citizen came in with his complaint, luckily Atem never had to specifically answer any of the citizens unless it was something that he and his priest have to discuss over. Watching as one right after the other came in reporting their problems when this older lady came in with a stake imbedded into her back just above the heart leaving her alive just long enough to relay a message.

“My Pharaoh they have made it to the village named Terra, Seto wants to know who touched his girl and left this for her.” She coughed falling to the ground releasing a golden red rose in her hand that slowly descended to the floor landing in a pool of blood. The pharaoh stood and walked over to the rose lightly taking it within his hands smelling the scent, the smell of Siria was woven within the rose. He acted puzzled trying to figure out who the rose could have belonged to but he shrugged his shoulders.

“Mahado cancel the meetings I must figure this out before another one of my people dies in vain.” Atem said walking out of the room towards his quarters. As Atem reached his quarters he growled in rage as the traitor Seto Kaiba took his soon to be mate away from him and killed one of his people. He slammed his fist against his desk making it snapped in half, even after the dust cleared his anger still filled the room, the more he thought about it the more red he started to see, when a knock at his door drew his attention. The door slowly opened to reveal his younger twin brother Yugi walk in, his anger slowly dissipated as Yugi came and took a seat next to him.

“So do you want to tell me what has got you all riled up in here?” Yugi asked resting his head on Atem’s shoulder waiting patiently for his brother to answer.

“The Bastard traitor took her and hid her away from me.” He said lowering his head onto his knees, thinking of a way to save his beloved Siria.

“I'm guessing that you fell in love with a human when you went to Terra am I right?” Yugi asked cocking his head to the side confused that his older brother would fall for this human.

“Yes she stole my once dead heart with her glistening smile, her beautiful gold eyes glimmered in the moonlight, just everything about her made me fall in love with her Yugi.” Atem whispered starting to day dream again.

“Well if you love her so then find her and bring her to her new home with us, us the hunters if you have too.” Yugi said taking his leave from the room leaving Atem to his thoughts.   

“Mahado! Get in here now!” Atem yelled bring his magical friend and priest to his aid.

“Did you call for me my Pharaoh?” He asked bowing in front of his king before looking him straight in the eye.

“Bring me the hunters immediately, and tell no one of this is that understood?” He growled to emphasize his point.

“Yes right away my pharaoh.” He said disappearing out of the room in a blink of an eye. Atem walked over to the balcony looking out over his city as he wait for his hunters to appear, the war was coming sooner than he wanted. He turned to his four silent hunters that had entered the room without detection, the leader of the group approached the pharaoh bowing respectfully before meeting his eyes.

“Why have you summoned us Atem?” The dark voice asked keeping his cobalt blue eyes locked with Atem’s.

“You know that you will get in trouble for using my first name Yusei.” He chuckled holding up the rose. Yusei looked at the rose taking a deep breath smelling a human scent mixed with Atem’s.

“So do you want us to find this human scent?” Yusei asked.

“Yes that means she is not to be harmed or I will not hesitate to kill you.” Atem snarled.

“You mean like the time when Seto left.” The smaller figure asked not raising his head.

“I vote you keep your trap shut Valon!” Atem hissed smacking him on the head.

“So was it Seto that took her?” Yusei asked bring Atem’s attention back to him

“Yes that is why I’m sending my best to bring her back to me.” Atem stated looking out watching the sun set.

“And what if we fail?” Valon asked.

“Either you come back with her or you don’t come back at all.” Atem said flicking his hand silently telling his hunters to leave.

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