Chapter 1 - Saying Our Goodbyes

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Hey Everyone, Hope you like this new plot/story. To give you the next chapter I would like to get 4 votes and 2 comments. <3

Harry POV

"Liam please confirm why I am doing this?" I am feeling really uneasy about this whole situation. I just don't understand why, Like if you haven't guessed Liam and Niall put my name down to become one of the contestants on The Bachalorette I mean like I watch every season but that doesn't mean I want to go through the harsh feelings and make enemies and all that kind of nosence. I just want to find true love and be happy you know? I don't want to fight for love if it's right It will come.

"That's because your a sexy mofo Curly" Niall flashed me a wink. 

"Aww you guy's don't know how much I am going to miss you?" 

I gave Liam and Niall a huge hug, I am about to board my plane and travel Down Under to Rarotonga which is where all this is taking place. I haven't really been abroad but I can't believe at 19 I am flying for the first time and I am going alone leaving my family which didn't really care if I went of course, Mum was daym excited about me being on her tv and shoved me out the door with my bags of clothes she brought me. 

But most of all I will miss Liam who is like my dad, he makes sure I am always organised and am ready for the day ahead and Niall who cleans out my food stash in my room and is just an allround fun person to be with. "Dammit I'm tearing up" 

"Oh Harry get out there and win this girl, Oh and don't forget to mention us you know?" Liam was instructing me.

"You guys will be the people on the end of the phone when I ring and they film you"

Niall gave me a hi five. "Score I will be famous for being on the best friend who was on the phone to Harry cool!" I gave them one last hug before being literally shunned out towards the departure gate. "Bye guys! I will miss you" I flashed them one last smile before taking a deep breath and heading down the tunnel to the plane.

Louis POV

"Oh My Gosh Zayn I think I have forgotten something" I am stressing out right now and I can feel myself getting flustered but I won't be back for 3 months and I need to have everything.

"Louis chill mate alright?" I slowed my pace and did some deep breaths you know to calm yourself.

"You have everything, You have already checked 3 times over so chill and get on that Plane" I smiled, Man I am going to Miss Zayn and my whole family who had a big breakfast leave party thing for me this morning. I have already cried about a billion times but I can't help it if I am emotional you know.

"Now Louis go get the girl" Zayn wolf whistled causing the whole departure gate to give us the stare down. I chuckled, "Shot Zayn, Now don't forget about me and Please when I call ANSWER!" 

He just laughed at me. "Of course, How could i not pick up for my best friend who is going to be on television how cool is that. Famous Louis Tomlinson calls mysterious Hometown Best Friend Zayn Malik" 

"Zayn your Crazy, Oh Crap plane is openeing the departing gates I better scidadle." I gave Zayn a huge hug. He isn't really a fan of hugs but It will be his last one from me for 3 months.

"Get on that plane" I gave my passport to the lady. She flashed me a smile, "Have a nice flight Mr Tomlinson" Just as I turned to head to the gate Zayn yelled at me.

"Oh and Tomlinson, I hope your plane doesn't crash" I huffted trust Zayn to make me nervous just after he has told me to go get em. True best friends these days, I won't lie I really do hope I make at least one good friend because otherwise when not on dates with this suprise bachalorette life could get boring.

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