He Might Explode...Literally- Ch. 3

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The same thing kept happening to Bakugo throughout the day.

Whenever he would enter a new room or stroll down the hallways, his eyes always flickered from person to person. It was like he was waiting for something. Though, he didn't fully understand what he was waiting for, nor looking out for as a matter of fact.

Or maybe he did know.

He always scanned every new room he had entered, looking, expecting the greenette to be there, a smile plastered on his face. Like all of his first year of middle school was just a dream, that everything would turn out fine in the end. That he would turn a corner to see the adorable freckled boy he desperately wanted to see again, not just in pictures. There was still a small sliver of hope that he clung onto; they lived in a superpowered society, so surely someone was able to get to him before he plunged to his death? Surely someone would have been able to heal him at the hospital? There was surely a quirk that could help him, right? Surely there would be someone, a hero-

What was he doing?

Thinking he would be able to achieve the spot of number one hero, knowing damn well that he didn't deserve it. That spot would've belonged to the one and only Izuku Midoriya; the boy was quirkless, but he had so much potential. But Bakugo had to ruin it, didn't he?

The ash blond sat at lunch, poking at his food while his other hand grazed over the notebook he had tried so hard to fix. Yet, it was still damaged as much as it was on that day; a subtle reminder of the things Bakugo had lost that day. At least, that's what he was lead on to believe; he was convinced that he had lost something, but he never really did.

----2 Years Prior----

Inko never really viewed herself as a bad person.

She supposed that the bad things happened to even good people though. Maybe it was because of something she did in a past life to receive so much bad luck?

But here she was, sitting in her apartment with the only sound being the food cooking on the stove. This is how it's been for the past year or so; Izuku would've been in his second year of middle school at this point. She glanced over at her mail and sifted through it, picking up one envelope that didn't surprise her as much as the first time she had received one similar to it.

It was a hospital bill.

Her petite hand went over the backside of the white envelope before finally opening it. She sighed as she set the paper down, burying her head in her hands. Her forest green eyes flickered over to a picture, one of her adorable son, with his curly forest green hair and wide smile. He looked at the camera happily as he clutched the straps of his yellow book bag. She picked it up, reminiscing the things that they would do together. Even if she had to work constantly, she would still make time for her son, just to see him happy would wash all of her worries away.

She placed the picture down before getting ready to go. Inko pulled her purse over her shoulder before heading out of her apartment, walking to her small car. She started the car, glancing around and thinking of all of the memories she had made in this city; the city that her Izuku grew up in. She received a phone call before she had started driving, answering it as she sat in the car, not daring to use her phone and drive. What she didn't realize was how much the phone call would change her life and make it whole again.

------Back to the Present------

"Kacchan," a familiar voice said softly, yet you could hear the fear and cautiousness in the voice.

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