percy is lonely,desprate and broken ......looking for a new life he stumbles around the country,before he whisked away to the throne room ..Due zues' aka thunder pants paranoia he is banished to tartarus ...could he start a new life here or will he...
TIME SKIP(9 months I marched with my army the blood and gore splattered on her boots the blood and dust shinning on our swords . Sir labyrinth i was sent by lord Ress( damansen) and lord Pirce(Bob) to tell you that their ready I tend to use my true form of all my monsters combined
This is it but with wings
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The city gates opened and the army walked in screaming victory the young monsters playing in the street cantered away so the army would have clear passage. I strolled into the hospital hearing the cries of pain from the monsters being treated i rushed to the birthing ward and waited LORD RESS POV(damansen I sat quietly and awaited the arrival of percy meadusa and kelli were given the best rooms and food plus maidservants to ensure the birth of the kids were to move smoothly. I glanced at meadusa who now had the ability to control her stone ability so i figured the child might too and with The wolf stare and the paralyzing trick the kids would have one heck of a stare. But what worries percy is that they might have the curse but i think they'll just retain some of his monster forms. Percy strolls in with his 7'7 height and stood at the door i can still remember treking with damansen before a sentry spotted us Flashback We stumbled through the unforgiving tartarus looking around bleary eyed from lack of sleep then i spotted a fortification i heard shouting , the gates opened and a well dressed cyclops came out and took us into the village. The reunion with percy involed lots of crying and sniffiling and whats not. END OF FLASHBACK i wait quietly as damansen wips up some herbs to make the birth quick and fast . PERCY POV Meadusa and kelli start grunting and cursing as my children are being pushed into the world whaaaaa my son wauls as soon as he 's cleaned off wow the fella has a string pair a lungs a random empousai says (they have nurses dictors and such percy and damansen and bob taught the monsters)