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I sat and watched my son and daughter in my arms, their faces had an innocent  look.  luke charles jackson and zoe bianca jackson , luke looked at me and smiled his little fangs shine and his emerald green eyes had a  tamed ferocity look to them and the little ring of green scales  around his eyes was cute but intimidating. Those features retracted and were replaced with regular baby looks his small hand gripped my finger almost breaking it. His sister cooed and grabbed my hair and started gigiling  as  i tickled her   sea green eyes peered into mine and her firery red hair shimmered to a redish black and her little fangs retreated , her small smile gave me warmth i feel next to the hearth.
LORD RESS POV( damansen
I watched on as percy smiled a smot smile at hus daughter as she slept and i knew as she grew she would have  percy wrapped around her little finger . As he left the room i aproached  meadusa and kelli and gave them a herbal mix  to allow milk to flow as it did i left two empousai  collecting it.
The demigods were flashed in  all  had looks of shame and regret i  their faces tho  annabeth who was nursing new wounds after lucas dumped her after a year that coupled with the wounds from breaking  percy gives you one emotional mess and had joined the hunters last week as she slowly recovered to speed the process athena gave her daughter the ability to have a brain child which currently was 2 years old so that meant percy had two children he didn't know about the child of hectate selina jackson who had gotten her  father's prowess with a sword and had hectates black eyes and percy hair and attitude eyes. Also his  Son Cayden had blond hair and sea green eyes... Demigods zues thundered   the ritual is ready but before he went further apollo went rigid rulers of ole' will rise
one of darkness
and like her,her consort
You will despise

  lost son of sea must be returned and bearer  of monster's curse must see the  light
and  fix child of wisdom for the fight

As such would birth child of pine and sea to release peace which was
Forcefully receded
We all gasped  a new prophecy  the line about lost child of sea increased our need to return percy we looked to athena daughter zues spoke any ideas

Hi guys  i have been reading fanfics  and did not right as often cause this my fathers phone and he us watching the nba now cause he has it more often i find it hard to write often and now i truly understand how some authors  feel and why some discotinue  but after i finish this i have more books in the wood works so stayed tune
Later my readers or as i call you my little blueroses jandj out

LORD LABRYRINTH OF ALKRON(PERCY FANFIC )Where stories live. Discover now