5: Jealous

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            Bad turned his computer off and slumped down in his chair, covering his face with his hands and digging his fingers into his hair.
            While he hadn't had much strength to begin with, now he felt no power to resist Good. To resist himself. Luckily for him, Good seemed to have backed off after his fight with Skeppy and a6d.
             He didn't want to move, only wanted to sit with his face buried in his hands, hiding from the rest of the world. If no one had to see him, no one would worry about him. Would it really be that bad to let everyone else just forget about him?
             But he needed to apologize to Skeppy and a6d, even though he didn't know how he would explain. He couldn't tell them about Good, they would just think he was crazy, which thinking about it, he probably was. But Good told him he wasn't crazy. He didn't even know if he's could trust Good anymore. He didn't know if he should have ever trusted Good.
            He didn't have anyone else to trust, though. His phone buzzed on the desk next him. Letting out a tired groan, he took one hand away from his face to flip it over. He only succeeded in knocking it off of the desk.
           He sighed before standing up, grabbing his phone off the floor, and dragging himself to his bed. Practically falling on top of it, he held the phone up in front of his face to look at the notification.

Dream uploaded: Speedrunning MineCraft while being chased by sharks

             He swiped away the notification, instead opening his texts with Skeppy.

BadBoyHalo: I'm so sorry,

             He stopped typing, not knowing what to say to explain himself. He struggled to come up with a valid reason.

BadBoyHalo: I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened

             Sent. He took a deep breath and went to his texts with a6d. Looking at his last text, he tried to figure out how he could make this apology different.

BadBoyHalo: I'm really sorry, I don't know why I said that stuff

             He went back and forth between the two chats, waiting for one of them to see the message. Finally, Skeppy saw it. Bad's hopes rose a little, until he realized that Skeppy wasn't going to respond.
             Not long after, a6d saw his apology. But just like Skeppy, there was no reply.
             He felt his heart break, knowing that he had hurt their friendship for a while. But it wasn't him was it? It was Good. But Good was him.
             He felt the urge to cry again. This time he didn't try to stop it. The tears came easily and quickly, flowing down his face and dripping into his lap.
             His breaths were sharp and erratic, his face burning up with infinite heat. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he slowly went back to normal. Well, as normal as he could be.
             Wiping away the tears, he picked up his phone, deciding to check out the video that Dream had posted.
             Before he could get there, though, he yawned again. Maybe I should get some rest first, he thought. He waited for Good to chime in, but there was nothing.
             He set his phone back on his bed side table and curled into a small ball, tucked in his favorite hoodie. Invisible to the rest of the world.
             For the first time in a while, Bad slept well. He didn't wake up after an hour or so. He wasn't bothered by constant nightmares.
             When he woke up after several hours, he felt dried tears on his face. He got up and walked to the bathroom to wash them off. He arrived without a single word from Good. It was surprisingly quiet and peaceful inside his own head without chaotic thoughts raging through his brain and Good talking to him.
              Entering the room, he saw the razor on the floor, in the corner. He flinched and immediately turned away from it.
              He looked in the mirror, seeing his mussed hair and hoodie that was even more wrinkled than before.
              The cold water shocked him as he splashed it on his face and dried it with a hand towel. But the tears were gone now. Leaving as suddenly as they had arrived.
              He walked back to his room, dragging his feet the entire way. Once he got there, he sat back on the edge of his bed and took a deep breath. He grabbed his phone again, to check out the new video.
              Laying flat on his back, he held the phone above his face and started the video.

"Today we coded it so my friends and I have to beat Minecraft while we get chased by sharks..."
              The video was a standard Dream video, but Bad had a feeling in the pit of his stomach as he watched Dream, George, and Sapnap have fun and work together. Well as much as they ever worked together.
              He didn't recognize the feeling, but thought he could identify it. He did, however, recognize that the feeling wasn't quite his own.
              "Good?" Whispered Bad.
              "What?" He spat back.
              "That's you isn't it? That feeling."
              "I don't have a clue what you're talking about. I don't control your emotions."
               Unfortunately, Bad believed him. He decided that he was the jealous one.
               He didn't understand why they got to be such good friends. Why they didn't fight like him, Skeppy, and a6d. Why did he have to be the idiot that ruined friendships? Why did they deserve to have a good friendship? He deserved it more. More than any of them.
              At this point he didn't consider that Good might have been feeding him the thoughts, he recognized them as his own, and began to feel then himself.
              But Bad was already weak, and these unfamiliar feelings made him even weaker. These feelings that he had hidden inside himself for years until they manifested into Good himself.
              Good was made of the feelings Bad didn't know, didn't want to know, and when Bad finally did feel them, Good took over.
              Bad had no chance. He had given up his will to fight Good, and he was pushed back into himself, no longer able to control anything, trapped inside his own skin.


A/N: Well that chapter was a thing. I'm not sure how I'm going to do the next chapter, but it's pretty exciting. I might have to make up a ridiculous situation, which would be annoying, but I don't know yet. I hope you guys are ready for the penultimate chapter, (I love that word idk why) but it's a little crazy. Warning: it includes death 0_0 Anyway, enjoy :)

Chapter word count: 1129 words

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