7: Locked Away

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            Skeppy looked away from Bad's body, which was on the ground, hand still gripped around the knife handle. He dropped the large book he had hit Bad with and quickly dialed 9-1-1 on his phone.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

            Skeppy struggled to find what to say. My best friend just killed two people? I just saved someone from being murdered?
            "There's been two murders at **** ******* please hurry, I don't think he'll be out for long."

"Please stay on the line while we-"

            But he had already hung up. He put his phone back in his pocket and dragged his hands down his face, groaning.
            "Are you okay, SapNap?" He asked.
            "Yeah, you got here just in time. How did you even know to come here?"
            "Dream," his voice cracked on his friend's name, but he continued. "Dream texted me last night and said that you guys were meeting up. I wanted to see him. But not like this."
            He sounded like his heart was broken, and it was. Pain filled his dark brown eyes and he kept running his hand through his fluffy hair.
           "What happened to him?" Asked Skeppy, feeling as though he was dying from despair.
           "I have no idea," replied SapNap.
           Skeppy sank to his knees next to Bad. He rolled him over so his face was looking to the roof. SapNap took the knife and set it on the table next to the couch before coming to stand next to Skeppy.
          Skeppy lifted Bad's head so it was laying in his lap and SapNap put a comforting hand on Skeppy's slouched back.
          Tears started to run down Skeppy's face.
          "He was my best friend."
          "I know."
          Looking up at SapNap he saw tears silently falling down his face as well. They looked at Dream and George, neither breathing. They look at Bad, observing the slow rise and fall of his chest.
           He looked so peaceful, like he would wake up and start laughing and yelling about how muffiny Skeppy was.
           The thought made him cry more, and he was almost relieved when he heard sirens start to get louder.
           Outside the house, Skeppy saw cop cars skid to a stop, followed by an ambulance. Like that would be any help now.
           The police jumped out of their cars and rushed through the already open door with their handguns out.
           "He's right here, sir," said SapNap, drawing their attention to the three friends. Two cops came over with their guns lowered, while the others started investigating the bodies on the floor.
           "Son, I'm gonna need you to step away from the murderer." The man's voice was deep and kind, but was also firm and commanding.
           Hearing Bad referred to as a murderer hurt Skeppy's heart so much, but he stood up and left him laying on the ground. For the first time, he noticed the amount of blood that covered Bad.
           The officer tucked his gun back in its holster before rolling Bad onto his stomach so he could handcuff him.
           As the man hauled the unconscious Bad to his feet, Bad's eyes fluttered and opened.
           "My head," he said, groaning. His arm twitched and Skeppy assumed that he was trying to reach for his head. He felt a small stab of guilt for slamming the book into his head, but he knew it was the right thing to do.
           Bad's expression changed, from drowsy and confused to contorted with rage.
           "GET OFF OF ME!" He screamed. He looked at Skeppy.
           "You," he snarled.

I'm so sorry.

            Skeppy didn't say anything out loud. The officer cut off whatever Bad was going to say.
            "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law..." He continued with the Miranda warning.
            Throughout the entire warning, Bad just glared at Skeppy with an expression of hate like Skeppy had never seen. He cried, hating the way Bad was looking at him, hating the way Bad was being arrested.
            The officer dragged a snarling Bad out the door and shoved him into the back seat of one of the cars, slamming the door behind him. The remaining police began asking questions to Skeppy and SapNap.

"Are either of you hurt?"

"Did he kill anyone else?"

"What was his name?"

"What were their names?"

             Skeppy answered the questions numbly, only able to think about how his best friend had killed two people.
             They traveled with the cops to the police station, where they were questioned further about what had happened.
             Finally, it was over and Skeppy and SapNap were allowed to go home.
             The next day Bad was declared guilty of two counts of first degree murder and one attempted murder.
             Instead of being sent to prison, the judge decided to send him to a mental asylum, where he would be stuck for the rest of his life.
             Skeppy was allowed one visit before they locked him away in the small, padded cell. He went into the room and saw Bad, who was in a straight jacket and seated at a metal table.
             "Bad?" He asked as he sat down. He knew they were being watched. By guards, by psychologists, by SapNap even. It didn't matter to him.
             "Skeppy," his voice was weak, defeated. It broke Skeppy's heart to hear him like that.
             "Bad, what-" his voice cracked, "What were you thinking?" His eyes were filled with concern.
             "It wasn't me," whispered Bad.
             "I-I saw you with the knife, you were trying to-to kill SapNap."
             "It was Good."
             "Bad, it was terrible!"
             "No, no," he shook his head, and looked like he was starting to get frustrated.
             "Good as in GoodBoyHalo."
             Skeppy's brow creased in confusion.
             "Who's GoodBoyHalo?"
             Bad hesitated before speaking.
             "He's inside of me. He's all of my bad feelings, but a person. He can control me."
             "Bad-" Skeppy was cut off by a sob.
             "Don't cry," Bad whispered, "Please don't cry."
             "I love you, Bad," Skeppy said in between sharp breaths and sobs. "You were like a brother to me."
             "I love you too, Skeppy."
             A guard burst into the room.
             "Time's up," he growled, hauling Bad to his feet by his arm.
             "No," choked Skeppy. "No! He doesn't deserve this, it wasn't his fault."
             "Goodbye, Skeppy."
             Skeppy screamed and stood up, but felt someone drag him backwards.
             "Don't take him!"
             "Shh," quieted SapNap. He had his arms wrapped around Skeppy, partly to restrain him, partly to comfort him.
             Skeppy's legs gave out from under him, the only thing holding up was SapNap. Soon, they both sank to the ground, Skeppy crying into SapNap's shirt.
             "I loved him," said Skeppy.
             "I know," comforted SapNap.

I love you BadBoyHalo.


Chapter word count: 1130 words

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