It's the hour in which she told you she loved you, for the first time. It's the hour in which you called her crying because you felt like you could no longer go on. It's the hour in which he told you all the beautiful things about you and made you feel whole once more. It's the hour when you can no longer sleep and so you call your closest friends as you all go out on an adventure. 3 a.m, some of the most incredible moments will happen during this hour. The ones you will carry with you for as long as you live. 3 a.m. The hour in which everything changes.
A/N: I like this one, because I fell like we've all had our 3 am moment. Thank you guys for reading these even if they're not all that great, I really appreciate it :).
Poetic Venom.
PoesíaHere lies the the unconditional love you have for him, the jealousy towards her, the secrets you haven't told, the friendships you thought would never end, the fantasies and dreams you wanted to come true, and the pain caused by society. This is you...