Chapter 8 - It's a date

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Chapter 8 - It's a date

While both men walked down the busy streets of Yorkshin, Illumi was getting a little concerned. Hisoka had offered to choose the restaurant where they'd be dining together and he had accepted that without hesitation. But then, after a few minutes of what seemed to be aimless walking, the assassin had started to wonder if letting his roommate make that choice for them was wise.

They were not in the upscale part of the town and he felt like another one of his partner's antics was on its way. He should have guessed it, after all, Hisoka wasn't particularly known for his refinement. Illumi was starting to feel overdressed for this dinner, while his forest green dress shirt matched Hisoka's dark red one, he knew better than to trust on the clown for style. Where on earth was he taking him?

"Here," Hisoka said finally as if he was some sort of mind reader, but when Illumi looked up, there was nothing but an old looking house in front of them.

"What do you mean here?" he answered, cocking his head to the side.

"You'll have to wait and see," the magician was delighted with his friend's confusion. "Do you trust me, dear?"


"Yeah, you do," he smiled and opened the door for his friend to enter. Behind the heavy wooden frame, there was nothing that wouldn't belong to a wealthy home gracefully placed in the entrance hallway.

"Walk with me," Hisoka asked, and both men began shortening the distance between them and the second door at the end of the long corridor.

"Let me surprise you with what's behind door number two," he said with a gesturing hand in the air. Driven by curiosity, Illumi obliged and turned the knob to open the door. Behind it, a soft piano was playing what seemed a bittersweet piece and a receptionist was waiting for them besides a luxurious bar. When they approached the young woman, Illumi wasn't giving her all of his attention as he was concentrating on the surroundings. A few feet after the bar, there were a few tables where people were having a lavish meal. The music came from an actual pianist who played like there was nobody else in the room. Everything, including the general mood of the place, was to his liking.

"Do you have room for us, sweetie?" Hisoka asked the girl, looking right into her eyes

"I can accommodate you in the garden if you like," she said, blushing.

"That would be almost as perfect as your smile"

"Fo-follow me please!"

Illumi thought about how Hisoka was used to use his sex appeal to get special treatment. He was no stranger to employing his acting skills to lure a target but it never came so naturally to him. On the contrary, Hisoka was seemingly made for it.

While they were following the flustered woman, Illumi noticed how propper and elegant Hisoka was acting. He even said thank you after arriving at the table which by the way, was gorgeous. Set in the center of a winter garden, surrounded by modern paintings and delicate flowers on multiple strategic places. The dim lights accentuated Hisoka's red hair and made his golden eyes glisten, or something like that, Illumi thought while taking his seat.

When their waiter offered them the wine selection. Illumi tried to take it but Hisoka beat him to it and pleasantly surprised him after choosing a red La Rioja. Did he always know this much about wine or was he mocking him in some twisted way? He decided to wait and see how the evening unfolded before jumping into conclusions.

After a delicious gourmet dinner and almost four bottles of wine which were drained like water, they found themselves engaging in casual conversation. Even though alcohol had little to no effect on Illumi, all that red was starting to go to his cheeks. Hisoka on the other hand seemed slightly intoxicated. The exhaustion of the day was showing in his eyes. But he was smiling still, playing with the rim of the delicate glass.

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