Chapter 11 - I would die for you

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Chapter 11 - I would die for you

Contrary to what his aesthetic might have suggested, Hisoka had always been a simple man. Facing life alone from a very young age, he learned that the world was this cruel and dangerous place in the most horrific ways possible. That was one of the many reasons why, even though he could be quite affectionate on the outside, his true nature was way more detached from other people.

He wasn't a fan of bonding or having meaningful relationships. His only interest in most people was toward the strong, to fight them, to prove to himself that he was stronger or die trying. That's why he would betray the phantom troupe in a blink of an eye, as soon as he had the chance to do what he wanted from the start. The same happened when he met Gon. He couldn't ignore a kid wielding so much potential who reminded him of his own younger self. Only innocent, almost unharmed by life; exuding the fact that he was loved from every pore.

In his thirty years of age, he'd never found himself attached to anyone, except of course, to Illumi Zoldyck. Even so, Hisoka could always find within him the strength to get up and leave whenever the situation called for it. He knew how messed up Illumi was to an extent, and even though he would've stayed by his side forever since day one, he didn't want to strain their already complicated relationship by overstaying his welcome.

This time though, everything was different. Just when he thought his friend couldn't possibly be more beautiful, Illumi had smiled for him. Breathtaking, just like the kiss that came right after. Chrollo sure had a talent for bad timing though. Closing the door behind him, leaving Illumi like that in his apartment that night, was harder than he could ever imagine.

On his mission he found that Greed Island was fun, he got to see promising little Gon and the younger Zoldyck again, plus getting to complete the task he was assigned. Overall a positive experience, but with that matter resolved, he yearned for his home and the gorgeous man waiting for him there.

Upon his arrival in Yorkshin, he took the train to get home faster. He thought about bringing back a souvenir for Illumi but couldn't decide on what to get. As he rode on the wagon, he considered flowers maybe, but Illu would not appreciate the gesture. It was settled then, he would stop at the central station and take a detour to a small patisserie. Sure the Zoldyck prince would love fresh macarons.

Everything was decided, yet, as soon as he got on the train he felt something was off. He'd noticed someone's presence following him a few days prior. Because of their style, he was sure they were gangsters or mobsters or something like that. He talked to Chrollo about it but disregarded it as a minor inconvenience to be dealt with later on. Maybe he was the target of some thieves who didn't know better, or someone was looking for revenge after one of his victories in the arena. Who knew?

He could feel a presence, dripping with blood lust on the wagon, but he was tired and he wanted to go home. If these guys had waited so long to attack him, then they could give him another night. Either that or he'd finish them off just in time to buy Illu his present.

He miscalculated. Distracted by the text message he just sent to his loved one and as soon as he was out of the train, he felt surrounded. With unparalleled speed, someone grabbed his arms while a prick on his neck told him he wouldn't even get a chance to fight. During his last second of consciousness, he managed to attach a tiny piece of bungee gum to his phone. Illumi would find it, he was sure. He wasn't thinking about needing rescue as much as leaving a message for him to know that wasn't running late on purpose.

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