Chapter 14: The Final Battle

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(Meanwhile inside of the command center of the Anti-Beastman Front)

Kane Scott: Level 1 do you copy?!

*Radio Silence*

Kane Scott: Level 2 do you copy?!

*Radio Silence*

Kane Scott: Level 3 please tell me that you copy!

*Radio Silence*

Beast Man Hunter 1: I'm sorry sir but all levels are compromised, I'm afraid this is it.

Kane Scott: W-w-w-what about level 4? Y-y-you know the b-blast doors?

Beast Man Hunter 1: Last time we checked it looked like they were halfway through the doors. It's over Kane we're done for!



A team of fifteen soldiers armed to the teeth stood side to side pointing their rifles at the door to the command center and Kane as standing behind all of them with a .38 revolver that he pulled from his underarm holster.

Kane Scott: Come on then Jackson...I am waiting.

(Back outside the command center)

Carter Ryan: CHARGE!

Carter, Marie, Jackson, Shirou, Michiru and Nazuna burst through the doors which caused them to be ripped off of their hinges and throwing the doors towards the soldiers and bullets started flying as the soldiers went flying through the air.

Once the dust had cleared and both sides were able to see again after the dust had cleared they went at it both sides engaged with hand to hand combat. Of course the beastmen had the advantage but the Anti-Beastmen Front had trained specifically for such an occasion in which they might have to fight hand to hand combat and so with the skills that they had learned the combatants were equal in the fight.

Carter and Shirou fought the muscle since they were the strong ones of the group, Michiru and Nazuna fought the average ones as whilst they were not strong they could throw down and give a good fight, and of course Marie fought dirty as she had always done as growing up in Anima City she had to live the hard way but ultimately would help in this fight. Whilst everyone was fighting Jackson and Kane saw each other and stared each other down each with an angry and disgusted expression.   

Kane Scott: So we are finally face to face.

Jackson Fox: Unfortunately.

Kane Scott: You know Michael didn't have to die, but you forced me to make the example.


Kane Scott: Fair point but if anyone threatens me I have to make the example of what I can do if anyone threatens my life.

Jackson Fox: I am going to enjoy watching you die slowly and painfully.

Kane Scott: That is if I am the one who is going to die.

Jackson and Kane charged at each other  screaming, Jackson had his claws bared and Kane running at Jackson with clenched fists. They both made contact with each other at the same time, Jackson scratched Kane's face leaving a massive mark on his face and Kane who landed a mean punch to the face causing some teeth to come out. Both Kane and Jackson stumble a bot and wince in pain, once they regain themselves Jackson pounces and Kane and starts slashing at him with his claws and Kane covers his face with his arms to defend himself but then whilst pinned down starts to then repeatedly punching Jackson in the muzzle. Both Jackson and Kane screamed in pain as both have been injured badly.

Mean while the fight between everyone else was over with Carter, Shirou, Marie, Michiru and Nazuna the winners as the Anti-Beastmen Front soldiers surrendered. Both sided then watched in awe as Jackson and Kane went at it with each other with such ferocity like they were wild animals the pure hatred for one another could be seen on both side. Both Beastmen and Anti-Beastmen didn't want to get involved but they watched as they went at each other. At least ten minutes had gone by and it was clear that both Kane and Jackson were at their limits, both were heavily injured and bleeding, they both paused.

Kane Scott: So it would appear that I have met my match, never thought it would be you.

Jackson Fox: The funny thing is I will heal quicker than you and then I will feel commence pleasure inflicting pain upon you as what you did to my father. Do you even know what he looked like once he got to the hospital? DO YOU?!

Kane Scott Laughing: Like Swiss cheese.

Both sides where shocked at how sadistic Kane was and without little to no remorse, he clearly enjoyed what he caused but what happened next shocked everyone. Whilst Kane was laughing , Jackson rammed ins clawed paw into Kane's chest and ripped out his heart holding it in his bloodied paw. Kane stared in horror and pain and fell to the floor slowly. The heat was still beating and with one squeeze he destroyed it and Kane lay lifeless on the bunker floor  with blood slowly spilling out of the hole that Jackson made in his chest where once his heart was.

Jackson tired and exhausted collapsed to the floor and before going unconscious whispered " For you dad". After that Carter had picked up Jackson and the rest of the gang had tied up the Anti-Beastmen Front soldiers and left to head back to Anima City before the cops had arrived.

The mainland police arrived and saw the destruction that had took place and found the soldiers bloodied and bruised but alive and arrested them. On a sign hanging around the neck of one soldier read "We got them for you since you had trouble doing that yourselves".  

A few hours had passed and Jackson woke up in a hospital bead with a ventilation mask on. Jackson Fox was back in Anima City in Anima City General Hospital, he looked around and saw that everyone was in the room but asleep on chairs that they bought in obviously they were waiting for Jackson to wake up. 

Shirou was the first to wake up and noticed that Jackson was awake and went wide eyed in shock and excitement. He turned towards Carter who was still asleep and shook him awake and told him he was up. Everyone woke up at once and ran excitedly to Jackson's bedside. 

Jackson Fox: W-what happened.

Marie Ryan: After you killed Kane you fell unconscious from exhaustion.

Carter Ryan: You gave us all quite the scare.

Michiru Kagemori: We're so glad that you are okay.

Nazuna Hiwatashi: We thought the worst.

Jackson Fox: I'm glad I have such good friends that care so much about me.

Shirou Ogami: The mainland police have just cleared the bunker and they're not going to be pressing any charges so you are in the clear.

Jackson sighed with relief. Just then the door swung open and huffing and puffing was Cooper Brown, Jackson's boyfriend, Cooper saw Jackson in the bed and ran over and hugged him.

Cooper Brown: Oh Jackson I'm so glad you're okay, I heard everything and I left work and came here as fast as I could.

Jackson Fox: I'm glad to see you as well babe *Kisses Cooper on the lips*.

Carter Ryan: Well the two of you will be happy to know that Jackson is being discharged today and so he will be able to come home into our car.

With that everyone cheered and Jackson was brought home to the Beastman Cooperative.

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