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          The dinner is a nightmare. When Adelaide is tense, Katherine is completely at ease. When Adelaide has to force a smile, Katherine's smile lights up the room. She's enchanting and never lets the conversation fall into awkward silence. Margaret seems to adore her and the two often fall into a conversation of their own while Adelaide feels as if she's fading into the wallpaper.

          Her appetite is all but gone but she forces the food down. As soon as Katherine notices her silence, she tries to pull her back in. "The food is delicious," she says, before offering a toast to their host.

          "I certainly agree," Damon quickly follows, leaning across the table towards Adelaide. He lowers his voice as if sharing a secret and says, "much better than the feasts they usually serve us lowly soldiers."

          When dinner ends, Adelaide gathers up what's left over to bring to the animals outside. Sometimes it's easier this way, more efficient than buying feed that grows more and more expensive as the war drags on. Dropping her gaze, she refuses to look at Stefan when he offers to help but she can't ignore him.

          "Thank you," she tells him quietly, turning her back to him as she walks outside. The air is cool, a sweet relief from the day's monstrous heat. There is just enough sunlight left to guide her way to the fences, though it fades as clouds begin to gather.

Stefan's light steps follow behind her, and her heart begins to race and she imagines what she'll say to him now that they're finally alone. For a moment, she's afraid she'll lose her nerve, and she continues to ignore the man as she tosses the food to the hounds. They eagerly chomp down, tails wagging ferociously as they tear their food to bits.

The two horses stretch their necks over the fence where Stefan stands. Shamrock sniffs at the apple he offers, tongue licking the fruit before he bites into it. Stefan's voice is low, gentle as he speak to the beast, his hand patting the long neck that extends towards him. He was always good with animals, especially horses. They're kinder than humans, he always told her. They used to ride together, as often as they could, before their lives became too complicated.

"You're angry with me," Stefan says, and it takes a moment for Adelaide to realize he's talking to her rather than to Shamrock.

          "You knew I would be angry," she accuses, feeling her anger simmer just below the surface, feeling every beat of her heart push it deeper and deeper. "So, how could you do it, Stefan? How could you bring her here? To my home." It feels so wrong, like a betrayal. And now Katherine sits in her parlor and laughs with her sister, their voices high and beautiful, like a faerie's song.

"I wanted to give you the chance to get to know her-" he says, and it sounds like a plea. Of course it's what he wanted, because he knew that's all Katherine needed. Just one night to charm, to dazzle and sway. But Adelaide isn't a child, she isn't a man, and she knows what Katherine is. A single night of toasts and pleasantries was never going to be enough.

"You forced me to invite her in. Do you understand what that means?" She needs Stefan to understand, to understand her anger. She wants to hear him say sorry.

But he isn't sorry. His loyalties lie with Katherine now. "Addie, you can trust her," he says with so much conviction that Adelaide almost believes him. "I would never put you in danger." He tries for a smile. "You and Katherine are more similar than you think." It's the wrong thing to say and he sees it in her face.

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