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The Salvatore Estate 1855

     She likes the sunlight on her skin. The warmth spreads and sinks into her bones and she thinks she might like to live in it forever. The dreary days of winter are but a memory and everything is pure and good. She hides behind a thick tree, gripping the bark tightly with her soft hand. It's scratchy and rough but she barely notices. She tries to stifle a giggle and holds her breath and she waits and listens.

     The nearby bushes rustle and she hears his disgruntled voice drawing closer.

     "Addie," Stefan calls out. "If you get me in trouble one more time-" He's beginning to sound genuinely frustrated out and Addie never likes when he becomes too grouchy. To save him the energy of finding her, she steps out into his line of sight and finally loses the one sided game.

     "Stop being such a bore, Stef!" she whines. "I told you, if you want to go back home so badly, you'll have to catch me first!"

Stefan scowls and crosses his arms. There are leaves stuck in his blond hair, mud on his fine leather shoes, twigs snagged on his shirt. Adelaide was in a similar state; they certainly weren't dressed to play but when had they ever cared about that?

     "Surely you aren't the same daughter your gentle mother was praising only this morning?" he replies. "What was it about a refined temperament?" Stefan certainly had never before cared about her temperament. She glares at the ground, hating that she feels as if she's being scolded. She thought they had been having fun.

     "I don't believe Mister Giuseppe would be very pleased with you either," a voice rings out. Adelaide quickly looks up, and the sight of their new guest makes her eyes light up. Damon pushes his way through the branches to reach his younger brother. "Stefan Salvatore, chasing a fair maiden through the woods? The scandal it would cause!" He smiles, a big kind grin, and Adelaide's heart soars.

     "I'm only chasing you because I consider it my duty to bring you back safely," Stefan reminds her, raising his chin up. "And you are being unreasonably stubborn."

     "Ah, the always dutiful Stefan," Damon says, clapping a hand on his brother's shoulder. The young boy looks up, smiles shyly as Damon begins to tousle his hair.

     "Damon!" Adelaide greets in excitement. She doesn't move, doesn't race towards him as much as she would like to, but she grips her skirts tightly with nerves.

     "Morning, doll," he says with a wink. "Im glad to see my little brother has been keeping such good company." He pulls Stefan to his side, looks down with a small frown. "Father wants us back at the house. Play time is over, I'm afraid."

     Adelaide finally finds to courage to step forward. "Of course, we were just about to return." She goes to take Stefan's arm but looks again at the tears and dirt stains. "You're a bit dirty, Stefan," she notes before turning her wide eyes on Damon. "Would you mind walking me back?"

The two brothers know of her fanciful crush of course, but while Stefan gags, Damon smiles warmly and bows his head. The girl's affections were quite amusing but he promised to never tease her for it.

     "I would be delighted, Miss Adelaide," he tells her, allowing her to rest her hand in the crook of his elbow. "Come along, brother."

She looks back at Stefan, smiles smugly as he sticks his tongue out at the two of them. But then she smiles as happiness fills her up. She promises herself that she'll remember this day. She will remember how beautiful it is and she will remember that distinct smudge of dirt on Stefan's cheek. She will remember that, though others will come, she was his friend first.

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