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They gather outside of the church, men placing their hats on their heads and women waving their fans in an attempt to cool down. Summer is hitting its peak and the sun is bright enough to burn. Not only is the heat suffocating but it feels oppressively humid. Adelaide can feel the sweat begin to gather at the back of her neck just moments after morning service ends.

"Doesn't it feel like a dream?" she sighs, eyes drooping closed as she attempts to feel the slight breeze on her skin. The hazy morning and boring sermon are enough to put her back to sleep.

Margaret is growing red in the face, appearing much more agitated than her relaxed sister. Her straw hat barely protects her skin from the sun.

"Quite an unpleasant one, I would say," she huffs. "I can't bear to stand in this heat anymore. I'll wait for you in the carriage."

"I'll join you," Adelaide tells her, moving after after. But Margaret shakes her head, looking pointedly over Adelaide's shoulder. In confusion, Adelaide turns to look; Stefan stands not six feet away with his father and brother. She catches him looking in her direction but he quickly turns away when he sees she's noticed.

"Go on," Margaret tells her. "But try to be quick about it."

Adelaide is left standing on her own, and she's afraid that another church goer will approach her, she's afraid that she won't have the nerve to approach Stefan, her mind is so full of worries that she hardly notices when he's standing right in front of her.

"Mr. Salvatore," she says quickly, slightly startled.

"Miss Adelaide." He doesn't sound angry. Actually he sounds rather sweet, and his head is dipped and his eyes are kind. His mouth is slightly turned down in a troubled frown. Has their argument haunted him as it did her? There are shadows under his eyes. Has he lost sleep over it as well?

Adelaide takes a deep breath.

"I'd like to apologize for..." her mind suddenly loses all focus. How does she word this apology, when she's not even sure if she is sorry. She's not sorry for hating the idea of him marrying her, she's not sorry for wanting to protect him, to save him.

His brow raises as he waits for her to continue.

"Well, you know the depth of my respect for you," she says in a rush, "and how I treasure your friendship. I never mean to upset you." That much is true. And for now, it's enough for Stefan.

"I know Addie. And you know that your friendship and advice are always welcomed. I can see how the news may have been shocking to you."

They both look down, painfully aware of the surrounding people. No one seems to be paying much attention; Adelaide and Stefan are old family friends, and have never been anything more. They would make poor gossip for the townsfolk. And if the awkward silence lasts for a moment too long, it goes unnoticed by everyone else.

"I'm throwing a feast tomorrow," Adelaide quickly says. It was something she had planned after their recent argument, another form of the apology that had been so difficult to give.

"And what is the meaning behind such a grand occasion?" he asks with a smile, tone lilting with amusement.

"To celebrate Damon's return," she says cheerfully, a line she had planned just that morning. It sounds better than it's for you, of course it's for you, please come sit at my table and let's be friends again. "My sister will be there and you're invited as well, of course."

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