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After Emric left, I closed the door to face my mom, she was about to burst at every seam on her uniform. "Hey mom, what are you doing here?" I asked surprised she was here.

"I still do live here you know." She replied me with slight annoyance, but we both knew I was right, she's never really here, and her being here must be a mistake.

"If you say so." I sang heading for the kitchen. "Who was that nice looking young man, you seem to be smitten with him." She gushes sitting by the breakfast bar.

"Mom, it's nothing special." I argued, failing at keeping my cool. "Yeah right, you kissed like 15 minutes out there, just eating each other tell me you're using protection." She chimed making me groan.

The downside of having a doctor as a mother, everything is you're vetted by her. "Mom, we're not there yet and it was just a kiss." I could feel my blush creeping up my neck.

"It's alright, I just need you to be safe, and happy, it surprised me not seeing Matt, but just to be clear, I'm glad he's not in your life." My mother's words shocked me.

"You didn't like Matt, I thought you liked him, you said it yourself." She chuckles and looks at me. "I'm a parent and I couldn't crush your heart by telling you, your boyfriend is bad for you, you had to learn for yourself." I understood what my mom meant, but now that she said it. I wonder if she ever liked any choice I made.

"So you're okay with a boy I kissed for fifteen minutes outside and not the one I dated for almost a year and half." She nods immediately. "I am, he's not faking the love and Matt was shady so I'm just glad you're not with him anymore." After leaving me absolutely puzzled she left.

My mom and I had moments like this when we weren't parent and child, but rather friends and I was happy with the talk I had with her.

I was surprised with how she really didn't like Matt, yet at some point, she vouched for him, I still can't understand why she could've told me the truth and I wouldn't have gone through all the heartbreak.

It made me stronger though, both physically and emotionally, so at least one good thing came from Matt. "I got the file I wanted, so I'm going back, have a great night sweetie." My mom spoke up, she kissed my cheek and left.

I actually wonder what it would be like to grow up with a more present parent, I know my mom works to keep this place running but it's gotten extreme, and my brother he obviously isn't coming home any time soon.

With a heavy sigh I decided to make dinner, what else could I do to lift my own tired spirit. I was in the middle of cooking when my doorbell rang.

"I'm coming!!" That didn't sound right at all. I trudged my way to the door and opened it to find Raziq, Train, my unofficial boyfriend and another man with a seriously great head of hair.

"Hey babe." I graciously smiled and accepted the kiss. "Hey." I replied with a blush yet again showing. "We were going out for dinner and I thought you could join us, this is Marquee, my close friend and you already know these two." He points to Raziq and Train.

"Pleasure to meet you, Linden." He was tall but he wasn't all that intimidating. "You too Marquee, Train, Raziq." I opened the door wider for them to get in.

"I was making dinner you guys could always just eat here." I chuckled watching Train and his brother immediately light up.

"I guess it's settled then, we'll have dinner here, thank you for the invite Linden." It was Marquee who had replied, something about him, just made me feel comfortable.

"Great, Em knows the house make yourself at home." They all nod and immediately I knew Train and Emric would head for the game console, Raziq followed leaving me with Marquee.

"I have a husband at home that I would really like to impress, so show me how to cook a meal that will knock him away, I need to get laid too, so added bonus." I laughed all the way to the kitchen with Marquee.

I ended up teaching him a classic Italian pasta dish, with two salads and tenderized lamb, dipped in spice and grilled to perfection. "Shit this is so good." Marquee complimented and I blushed.

"So how long have you known Emric and Train." I asked out of curiosity. "Ever since they were babies actually, but I was no older myself I was only six years older." He really has been in their lives for a long time.

"I hadn't seen him in a while, but today I got to see him and got to meet his boyfriend, I can see a wedding with this one." Again he made me blush. "Stop, we're still not there yet, but marriage would be nice, it must be for you and you husband." He lit up like stars.

We talked more and more and I figured out that Marquee actually lived in SandBury with his husband Zavier, they have three kids, but he wants more and he extended an invitation to visit, which I will consider at some point.

He was a bulking mass of muscle like my unofficial boyfriend, yet he was sweetheart, you couldn't differentiate him from a teddy bear.

As we made dinner together, it was fun having someone knew to cook with, but Emric would always be my first go to if ever I want someone to cook with or for just about anything besides mom.

"I'm sorry about your dad and I'm sure your mom is trying her best to fill in the shoes of both parents, even though she's barely home." I nodded with a smile.

Marquee was comforting and his words had a lot of impact on how I viewed my mom, I realized I needed to put a little more effort with her, just to show her she's loved.

We finished cooking and somehow Emric knew. "Dinner is ready." Raziq whom I hadn't had time to talk to sat beside me and on my other side Marquee.

"This is so good, how did it get this tender?" I laughed at the question from Raziq. "Its a secret." I giggled as Marquee winked at me. It was our secret anyway.

"So Raziq, when are your parents going to be back?" It was Emric who asked that question. "They're staying there for a week, my uncle has a boyfriend that mom really liked and wanted to get to know, since they haven't seen each other in a long time, she's going to stay for a while." I wondered why he didn't go with them.

"Your uncle Heathen or Daxom?" Marquee uttered the last name with a scowl. "Obviously Heathen, my other family is not even family according to mon, though I know grandpa is there we don't talk about him." I could relate in a way with Raziq.

When my extended family found out I was not so straight, they shunned my mother for keeping me, even though they really didn't show it, the hate was there.

"Thank fuck, I met Daxom when the triplets were born and man I didn't like him." Marquee added with a disgusted scowl and we all laughed. Whoever Daxom was he really wasn't liked.

"Babe food is delicious as always, thank you." I happily accepted my kiss and went back to eating. The rest of the dinner was fine and funny as Train won against all of us at video games.

It was a great night and I was glad I met Marquee. "Don't forget, you're always welcome to visit SandBury and thanks for the treats I'm sure the triplets and my husband will love them." I hugged Marquee and waved him off.

I wanted to be like him, or rather I was envious of him, be a dedicated husband and father, if his prediction was right I wouldn't mind it one bit.

"Do you have to go." I whined when Emric stood by the doorway. "Yes, I have to, but I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning, oh and by the way, my mom wants you over for dinner some time." I nodded with a lack of enthusiasm.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to meet his family, but who isn't nervous when you're invited to your boyfriend's house to meet his parents.

"Okay, I love you and bye." We kiss yet again until Train honked the car. Tonight was awesome, though he might've not noticed that I said I loved him, either way I already was.



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