It's been almost a week since the incident happened in the woods, I haven't seen Emric in all this time and it's killing me. I want to be with him so badly.
I haven't gone to school but I had my mom cover for me, my school work was being sent online, so I was caught up even if I didn't go.
I needed to clear my mind, which I did. I was skeptical at first about keeping Emric in my life knowing he could turn into a six-foot something wolf, but then I remembered all that he did for me.
Wolf or not, he was there for me when I needed him, he was there when I needed someone to just care and love me, he didn't ask for anything in return.
Only devoured the piles of food I gave him, which makes sense now, he had the appetite of an animal, it made me chuckle as I remembered how he ate.
God I miss him, I want to reach out but I don't know how, how do you tell your boyfriend who is a wolf that you love him or don't turn into a wolf while we're making out.
It made me curious to see how he looked in wolf form, to know who he was all over again or rather to know him completely human and wolf.
When I first heard that wolf howl outside my window, it fascinated me to no end, I was afraid at first but then as days went by I became curious and the fear went away.
So I decided to look into wolf biology, it was fascinating, I think I now have a slight addiction to wolves, which is creepy but I won't tell anyone.
My research is how I knew where to kick the wolf that attacked Emric, I guess having a good memory and paying attention in zoology and biology class helps.
I sigh heavily stirring my cup of lemon and mint herb tea, it didn't feel the same if Emric wasn't nagging me about not putting honey in it. That memory made me man up and hunt down my phone.
I video called him and within a second he picked up, he looked like shit, baggy eyes and that spark in his eyes was gone, he lit up seeing me on the other end.
"Hey babe." He hesitantly spoke. "Hey, you don't look so hot." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with three fingers, he was nervous.
"My boyfriend hasn't talked to me in a week and my wolf won't stop howling, we miss our baby." Guilt crippled my insides, I did this to him, and it hurt watching him like that.
So I blurted out. "How about a date tomorrow, by the lake, I will bring all your favorites." He smiled from ear to ear, I loved that cocky grin. "Are you sure that's what you want?" He questions.
"There is nothing else I want and I miss you, I seriously miss you, I miss all of you." He chuckles. "I missed you too babe." He admits and I felt better knowing he would get better, than be in this semi depressed state.
"Get some sleep munchie." He looked at me which a smile. "I like the pet name, tomorrow I'm munching on you." How I missed his cheesy jokes.
"I love you." I say wholeheartedly. "Love you too babe, finally I can sleep." I blew him kisses and the call was cut. I was happy with myself at that moment.
I knew everything would be alright now, nothing could get in the way of my happiness, no matter what it was, so I went back to sipping my tea with a gleeful smile plastered on my face.
My mom wasn't home again, though I was making strides in reviving our bond, I would visit her at work, leave cake or just a meal so that she knows I care and I'm always there for her like she is for me.
With time on my hands, I began making food for tomorrow, I needed to make Emric's favorites, cheesecake, hidden egg muffins, grilled fish with mild curry sauce.
Whilst I was in the middle of cooking the doorbell rang, I wasn't expecting anyone so I was perplexed on who it could be. I swung the door open to find a crying Train.
I didn't need to talk, not yet, all I had to do was hug him, even if he was 6'2, it had to count. I closed the door and we sat on the couch in the living room, he cried and cried. I only held him, that was the best I could do, just be there.
After an hour of him bawling his eyes out, I led him upstairs to my room and once he hit the bed, he was out like a light. I wondered what happened, and why he came to me instead of going home.
I would wait to hear what he says and I will listen, it was probably important. I text Emric letting him know Train was sleeping over at my house, he insisted on coming but I dissuaded him.
Whatever was going on with his brother was something major, and I thought it was best to let Train sort if out on his own, away from family or anyone who wouldn't give him the real truth.
I began cooking again, finished baking and thank goodness for the double oven, I managed to bake chocolate chip cookies, add a glass a milk to that and some real talk to put everything in perspective, Train would be okay.
It was already evening when Train woke up, I could hear his footsteps by the stairs. "Your room is drenched in the scent of my brother, it's like he marked the whole place, even his room isn't as potent." I chuckled knowing it was probably his wolf and Emric himself who did it.
"His wolf came here at night, I didn't know, he must be the one who scented the house and as for my room, most of the hoodies in there are his and a couple of tee shirts." I smile with a blush on my cheeks.
"I see, so how are you handling being the boyfriend of the future alpha." And I chocked on my tea. "The what?" I croak.
"Oh, he didn't tell you." I shook my head no. "I spoke to him today, was on radio silence all week." He nods with a slight frown.
"Don't worry we're okay, and I'm okay with this, wolf or human, you're still my closest friend Train and I don't want to lose you or my boyfriend." His face lit up and I was happy about it.
"So what happened, if you don't mind me asking and aren't wild wolves the ones with alphas?" I ask with my curiosity fully on.
He chuckled and pointed to the cooling cookies. "Big baby." I mumble and he flicks his tongue out at me. We sat by the kitchen island moaning to food.
"An alpha is the leader of the pack, he technically orders everyone around, he's the strongest and also he protects the pack, he's like the father of the pack, his mate the Luna is the mother figure to the pack before you ask, no Emric doesn't have a mate, the goddess picks them for us when we turn eighteen." I still had questions about the mates though.
"So when you turn eighteen, you get like your soulmate, a part of you, the other half?" He nods with a smile. "Someone you'll be with in this life and the next forever." It sounded wonderful to have a mate.
I understood more as he explained the bond and how mates were found. It made me curious if Emric was my mate or could humans even get mates.
"So aside from the whole fascinating topic of wolves up to Sydney Falls, what happened to you." I could see the hurt in his eyes. "You probably know Raziq the beta's son, he's four days older than us, so he would find his mate earlier." I immediately understood everything.
The reason why Train wouldn't say his feelings to Raziq, he feared that Raziq wouldn't be his mate. I felt sorry for Train, he had been in love with Raqiz and now Raziq would be with someone else.
I hugged Train again. "I'm so sorry." I truly was, it's never easy letting go of someone you've loved for a long time. "I just want to be happy too Linden and I can't be with him, it hurts." I held him close as he let it all out.
I had to be here for him, I knew how breakups hurt, and for him to have loved and lost before even actually getting the chance to show Raziq his love, it must have broken him.
"It's going to be okay, I'm here."

An Alpha's Love
WerewolfBOOK 1. RYELAND PACK. Linden is a chubby gay nerd, betrayed by his boyfriend and his two friends the lies start to unravel and everything seems to be breaking apart in his life. He bumps into the new kid at school, who changes his life like he never...