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I felt like trash,  Linden hadn't talked to me in a week, I contemplated my own existence in all sense of it, it felt awful being away from him and my wolf kept howling in my head for him, just a whiff of him.

I found a way to keep my wolf sedated like mom suggested, which was scenting out anything with Linden's scent, I was like an addict looking for a hit because I didn't have Linden.

Dad argued that my attachment to Linden stems from the fact that I am not with any friends or person besides him and that he helped me heal my own broken heart.

Mom argued with the theory that I supported, on Tuesday I would find my mate and if it wasn't Linden the Goddess had to be playing poker with my life.

Why would my wolf calm with his scent, even mom couldn't sedate him, why would he beg me for control, after I give it over he goes over to Linden's house like an animal to mark his house. It was primal instinct at best.

Mom calls it protecting what belongs to it so that rogues will keep away. I liked it but it only made me go further on a tail spin. Linden, was he mine or not, couldn't my birthday day come any faster.

I knew I had to be patient but it was killing me, today was sunday I had a date with Linden, which meant one day left and my birthday on Tuesday.

I'm trying to be positive for Train, for him it's not much of a great time, it reminds him of a lot and being happy on the day whilst he's sad, just won't do.

Back to Linden, I thought I couldn't get worse about the whole thing, he wasn't talking to me at all since the incident where we got attacked. When he called, I picked up immediately, we talked about how things hadn't changed, how he loved me.

I couldn't be happier to hear that, but I knew I would be the happiest guy on the fudging planet if after Tuesday I could punch anyone who touched him in the wrong way because he was mine.

I have slight possession issues and a bit of OCD, it's not all that prominent unless you came for something of mine.

Anyway, I wanted a lot and being with Linden was one of them, a week proved to be the best I could do in keeping my sanity away from him, in the long run, I don't know if I could last that long.

"Hey champ." It was dad, I knew he was worried about me since the whole incident, he knew how hard my wolf had been at keeping it together.

"Hey dad, you don't have to worry I'm better now and I'm seeing him today." His frown turned into a little smile. "I'm only worrying as a parent should Em, you're the next alpha and soon you'll have your mate, but then your wolf hasn't been in control lately and I think you got taller too." I knew he was exaggerating.

"Dad honestly I'm fine, I just need some rest, which I had plenty of last night, look no bags." He chuckles. "But we all did hear your wolf howling last night, that's the worrisome part." It had to be because at some point I shifted without wanting to, it was all on my wolf.

"Well not to worry, every pack has it's secret, and knowledge on different things, that's why wolves from other packs consult us on pregnancy, the Hollow Creek on wolves generally shifts, the Crescent Fall on training and healing." I sighed knowing she had made a few calls wanting to know what was wrong with me.

"The Cold Lake with mates, we're all a different mix, anyway I called Cornell and told him what's going on with your wolf, he then told me to talk to Marquee's mate Zavier, oh he's a sweetheart and funny, anyway it turns out you're fine, it's just your body and wolf getting ready to become what you meant to do." That would be becoming a leader, the alpha.

"Also your attachment to Linden is normal, you're gonna be alright." I knew she wasn't telling me something, though her face was blank, her eyes were practically dancing.

"See dad I'm okay, no need to worry like I said before, I got this, now can you please go and prepare our birthday party, we wouldn't want Emma to out do you, would we?" I knew the competitive spirit in planning my mom and Raziq's mom had.

They always tried to out do each other when planning events, last year it was Emma who planned the birthday now it was mom's turn.

"Oh right, I need to check on that helium tank, and the ten layer cake I ordered from Bennys, oooh I need so much, honey let's go, we need to find pen toppers." Dad sighs already feeling tired before doing everything.

My mom would shop till tomorrow if you gave her the chance, but it was called being in love, with your mate, that made him stand up and follow her. "Hurry up Lex darling, we don't have all day." Dad sighs again by the door.

"I'm coming baby alright, coming, Love ya champ and have a good time." I smile toward dad. "I will thanks dad." He smiled back and left.

I didn't want to worry my parents about Train, we all knew how he felt about the particular day and we tried our very hardest to cheer him up, it was easy with orange cake, his favorite, I might enlist the help of Linden to make it.

I knew it was going to be hard for him and I hoped it wouldn't bring him down, he had already slept at Linden's house, I wanted to go there and see what was wrong but like the boss, Linden told me to sleep and if I didn't like it, I would sleep anyway.

I take a quick shower, I slightly drench myself in cologne and play hide and seek with the keys in Train's room till I found them. It wasn't messy but he always put then in odd places, his underwear drawer being one of them.

I made my way downstairs to the garage, after locking the house, of course I knew the pack would always be alert and no one could get in but I was just used to it.

I drove straight for Linden's house, I wanted to surprise him, I wondered if his mom was ever truly home, I knew she worked a lot but was that the actual reason she wasn't available at home.

I shoved my thoughts aside when I parked in the driveway to his house, before I knocked, the door swung open and a body was on me, I held him up by his very nice ass, don't go there Emric.

"Babe." We kissed and it felt so good, to breathe him in, to touch him, feel him, see him, it was as if I hadn't seen him in year. We stumbled into the house and I pinned him to the wall ravishing his body.

He moaned to the touch. I tasted his skin eliciting moans from him, I would forever remember those sounds, my wolf just wanted him and we had him. "Ahem please remember, I'm still here, so have the decency to not fuck in the house, I already saw too much." Fucking cockblock.

Linden and I pull apart and he fixed himself, barely,  and I tried to fix the hard thing in my pants and finally got it, my boyfriend walked to the kitchen leaving me with Train.

"Train hey buddy, what's going on?" I knew he had cried his eyes out but he was in the best place to be taken care of. "Raz found his mate, it's a guy from your culinary arts class, don't worry I'm okay, Linden helped." I pecked my boyfriend's lips when he came from the kitchen, that's the best thank you I could give.

"Okay then, I will see you later, have to go help dad with shopping, mom is going all out." Train and I laugh as he walks out, I was glad he was okay.

"He'll really talk when he wants to." I nod to Linden. "Are you ready for our date, by the hill, already packed the food, it's heavy soo you're carrying it." I couldn't wait to eat all the food in the freaking huge basket.

"You're the best." I peck his lips again and we headed to the car.  "Before I drive off, I just want to know, are you doing this because you don't want to hurt me or it's actually real." He seemed unsettled by my question.

"At first the only thing I thought was run and hide, but then I remembered you, for all you've done for me, and the love I have for you, I looked beyond the freaking cool wolf to who you are and I had my conclusion, I love you Emric wolf, human, unicorn, I love you." And he sealed it with a kiss.

"I love you too Linden."



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