I dont even like you

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It was the summer of. The band and i just finished the WWAT in Miami, getting off the stage, sweaty in our ninja turtle suits. "That was absolutely fantastic," said Luke. "You've said that every night since the tour has started, dick wipe!" commented Mikey. chucked at his reply. and he looks my way and smiles so big that his eyes close. He knows me so well, that he knew I was gonna laugh at whatever he said. No wonder out fans think we have a bromance.

"Come on! Its the last night on tour, of course im gonna say it. That was absolutely fucking amazing, and its the last show we get to plat for a while so let me say whatever i want!" cried Luke. God, hes so whiny. Ashton chimed in, "Well, i think it was super fun! My favorite song of the night had to be-" "WE KNOW ASH, WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOU!" We all interrupt, "Jeez, its not my fault its my favorite. Let me live! Come on lukey, lets go pout this out so they feel guilty!" With that, him and Luke walk out of the dressing room with their arms linked. They are probably going to the snack bar, still in their ninja turtle suits.

When the door shuts after them, Mike slowly walks over to the couch im already comfortably sitting on from the wall he was so easily leaning on, and sits super close to me. He grabs my hand from between my legs, and holds it waffle style in his. "You did great tonight Cal," He smiled, and i looked into his big blue eyes, wanting so badly to just grab his face and kiss him. I look down at his lips, then remember we were still dressed stupidly and sweaty.

I started to chuckle and go in for the kiss, when ashton and luke bust in through the door shouting, "Pizza! We have pizza! Special celebratory pizza!" Mike, scared for his life, let go of my hand, It limply fell back into my lap. i sighed as mikey and i got up and quickly changed out of the ninja turtle suits and into sweats and a random tee shirt. I was kinda secretly checking him out head to toe, but hopefully he will never figure that out. 

We started heading to the catering table, and see stacks and stacks of brand new hot 'Pizza Hut' All my anger from earlier is gone because i realize that i have streaming hot pizza in front of me. Yum. There had to be about thirty boxes, and there were all neatly organized into different toppings. One Direction was just getting started, and they went into singing "Best Song Ever," and the fans were going crazy. Mikey and I started singing along while we picked out our slices. Man would i miss this. Lashton started walking back in the direction of the dressing room with their five slices each, and they are both laughing at a joke among-st the two of them. "HA! thats so nOT TRUE!" laughs luke, as he bumps ashton to the side a little playfully. 

I look at my plate, four slices. I think thats good enough. Mike walked over to where im standing over the sausage pizza, "Hey, we should ho find a place to eat somewhere luke and ash arent. Since we were singing to 1D, lets go to the VIP box, and we can watch from there!" he said excitedly. I smiled at his idea, "Sure! I mean we might as well its a great idea. Didnt know that tiny brain of yours could think of things so great!" I teased while ruffling his read hair. He just shook his head and continued to the security guard that lead us to the box. 

We got up to the vip 'viewing room' with the bulky security guard, and one direction was singing "Little White Lies." Michael interrupts his singing with a little bit of a rant, "You know, this is one of my favorites from 'Midnight Memories' besides ;'Little Black Dress' and im so happy the preformed both. I mean, they are jsut such great songs!" Michael finishes while i look with a look of inrest. I start to chuckle, because i know michael only talks that way when he is super passionate about something.

"Hey, I didnt take you as a 1D fan!" i chuckle, "I know, im so punk rock, you dont really suspect it," We both start laughing at his comment, "come on, for the last time, your not fucking punk rock, Michael" i yell. He just smiles and looks back at one direction, chucking a little. We continue to eat our pizza, have more meaningless conversations, and even sing along to all of the songs. We are having the most fun when our tour manager Steve barges in.

"Hey guys, its time to get ready to leave for the tour buses  ." We look at each other realizing that we lost track of time. I smile a little as he winks at me, and I hide the blush on my cheeks by looking towards the ground. It was almost time for the concert to end, and that meant trying to avoid all of the screaming girls. 

"Can we just finish this song? Its Kiss you!" asking a hopeful mike "Yeah, no not today, The body guards are predicting a bigger swarm since its the last show. There are already girls outside waiting to see you guys. Lets meet them, and hit the road." We both angrily sigh as we gather all of our stuff together. Michael looks sad, and i give him my silliest face to try to make up for it. He smiles at me while we start to walk out, steve sticks his head in "Oh yeah, and tomorrow, we have a huge MANDATORY meeting." He says, looking at michael, knowing that he doesnt usually go to the meetings. Guess hes way too "punk rock" am i right ladies?We continue to walk out, and i ask michael, "What do you think the meeting is about?"  He shrugs and we continue to the tour bus.

We get to the bus and we all take turns changing into something more comfortable to sleep in. Ashton comes out of the bathroom in pjs, "I wonder what the meeting is about." he whines, and looks at Luke. I notice and ask in suspicion, "What happened with you two?" They both look at each other, look around to see if anyone is listening, and then spill the can of beans. "They caught me and him making out in the dressing room, and it was right after we got dressed, so it looked like we got naked." Ash said with blush staining his cheeks.

Michael and I look at each other, and i was kind of wishing it was us that got caught, just so i could have shared a kiss with someone so amazing. We all say a cheesy goodnight as ewe head off to bed, heading to the airport to go to the meeting in California. As i tried to sleep, I realized that meeting could change everything about our band. I was so antsy, i mean what could happen to me and the boys?

When we got to the meeting the next day, Luke and Ash were holding hands nervously. They werent dating yet, but they seemed like they were definitely on edge. We all walked into the double doors, and there was a long table with black rolling chairs and min in suits. Very Intimidating. "Come on in guys! We have to get this over with. We have to discuss press, shows, appearances, and personal matters." Steve said. He looks at Luke and Ash for the last part, and they just look at the table and stop holding hands.

After the other discussions about meet and greets, interviews, and Christmas radio performances, it was time to get to what steve was referring to as the 'serious stuff.' Ashton, Luke and I are on edge and have nervous looks, while Mickey isnt nervous at all and kind of looks confused. "We have to talk about press now. We think you guys are all paired up. Ash with Luke, and Cal with Mike. We think if you guys should keep playing the part as straight as for now, even if your gay, and it will give you guys more fans and more ratings. Because the more the fans think they can be with you guys, the more they will listen. So were gonna give you fake girlfriends"

We all gave each other weird looks and glances. "I mean its fine if you come out, I think its great if you guys are gay or bi or whatever-" Says steven, but mike interrupts, "but what if your not gay?" and my heart breaks a little , while we learn about our new fake girlfriends. Now we have to go meet them. Fun right?

We all get up and leave the room, and Luke and Ashton walk with their heads down. They shared a sad look and continued to walk down the hall. I felt bad for them. A relationship was happening between them that they couldnt even branch into because of our stupid management, that was even stupid until, well, now. I look at michael and wonder, "So, your not gay?" He shrugged, "I dont know, I mean, I like girls, i know i do. But i mean i dont know how i feel about guys. I mean I definitely would be top though," He laughs.

That makes me wonder, would I be top or bottom? I ignore that thought and continue down the hall to a door where both luke and ash are stopped, looking into the window. "What? Are there a pile of dildos or something?"  asked Michael. We all nervously chuckled, "No the girls are in there. They're pretty cute! Too bad im gay," Chimed in Ashton. We all laugh a little at that while we waited for Steve to come and let us into the door.

He walks up to the door, and says, "Guys, meet your new temporary ladies!" They all smiled up at us. There was a girl with short greenish black hair and a nose ring. two mixed girls with curly, big hair, and one last one that was Indian that also happened to have curly hair. "This is Jenna, Isabella, Alexa, and Bianca. Ashtonm] your with jenna, Isabella with luke. Michael with Alexa, and Calum, your with Bianca. Now lets start the small talk and introductions!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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