Gender scan

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So many months had passed and they where now going for the gender scan for the baby. Ginny was heavily pregnant with the baby.

"The Potter family please" The receptionist said.

Ginny, Harry, Dakota, Elle, James and Albus all walked in the doctor's scanning room.

"What are we here for today?" Padma said.

"Hey Padma. We're here for a gender scan. I wanted the children to be here today." Ginny said to her midwife and friend.

"Alright. You know what to do." Padma said to her friend.

"And as well I would like to talk to you as well afterwards" Ginny said.

"Same here" Harry said as well.

"Alright. Kids, what we hoping for?" Padma asked the children.

"A little sister, I don't want another brother" Dakota said to Padma.

"Another brother" Elle said.

"Girl!" James said.

"Both!" Albus said.

"How can you have both" Ginny asked.

"I heard some big kids the other day talking about swapping genders. A girl turns into a boy. Transgender" Albus said to his mother.

"As you do" Ginny said while laughing.

"I can't remember, did Elle and Dakota come when you found out Albus' gender?" Padma asked.

"Yeah. To all the scans to all three kids. Even to Elle's when she was only 3-4" Ginny said to Padma.

Padma did the scans and they found out the baby was a..

"It's a girl!" Padma said to the family.

"We won James! We are having a little sister!" Dakota practically shouted.

"She's a laugh." Padma said, "Could do with her personality in my children. Mine are just boring." She added.

"Nope! You should here Elle when she wins a board game. She blows the house down." Harry joked

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