Someone To Watch Over Her

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Trigger Warning for domestic abuse
Proceed with caution

"Okay, okay so for the benefit of this conversation I am no longer Shawn Mendes, I am non other than your boyfriend, the man I do not know, have not met and whose name you will not tell me" the tall brunette took a sip of his whiskey on the rocks and observed the pretty Latina sat before him. Her cheeks turned pink when he said 'boyfriend' and he couldn't help but think how child like she was for a fully grown woman.

"So I'm your boyfriend and I'm angry because I caught you talking to Shawn, am I angry because you are talking to someone so hot and amazing and funny or am I angry because Shawn's a guy?"

The girl with the black hair tied loosely in a knot that sits at the nape of her neck fingers her wine glass awkwardly before informing him the second option was correct. Her voice was tiny and she refused to lift her eyes to meet the gaze of the man now probing in to corners of her life she had kept locked away from every single person she knew, family included.

"Okay I'm angry because I caught you talking to a guy and I don't like that so I'm furious" Shawn fakes an angry face and the girl can't help but giggle at it but then she immediately lifts her hand to her mouth to smother the smile that had burned so bright and Shawn can't help but wonder why she can't even allow herself the pleasure of laughing.

"So I'm angry, angry happens to everyone at some point, how do I communicate that anger to you?"

The girl sips at her drink seemingly unable or unwilling to answer the question so Shawn decides to gently probe further.

"Do I shout?" she nods

"Call you names?" she nods again, the strong gulp doesn't go unnoticed by Shawn so he carries on with his line of questioning.

"Do I lay my hands on you? Grab you?" she nods whilst playing with the silver band that adorns her slender wrist

"Push you?" nod

"Hit you?" silence

"Camila... Does he hit you?" Shawn slips from character as a fury begins to build in his gut.

He doesn't know Camila well, in fact they only laid eyes on each other 3 weeks earlier when Camila began working at the bar Shawn frequented.

He immediately recognised that she was different from the other girls that worked there. Whilst they were loud and brassy, able to give and take comfortably with the regulars Camila was quiet a d reserved she took the lewd comments and drunken gropes without ever protesting or speaking up and that had sparked a protectiveness in Shawn.

Without letting her know he had learnt her shift pattern and moved his own work commitments around to ensure he was at the bar when she was working and able to keep his eyes on the loose tongues and straying hands

Shawn was well known in Denny's, his well built 6'2 frame along with his incredible good looks and sparkling caramel colored eyes ensured that whenever he was around all eyes were on him.

Along with his good looks came a charasmatic personality, he was able to speak to anyone and immediately learn their inner workings but there was another reason he was known, the darkness to his light... His temper.

"Shawn..." Her sweet voice brought him back from the thoughts that were darkening and closing in around him. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

He decided to repay her brutal honesty with some honesty of his own.

"I'm not really a 'girlfriend' type of guy"

Her mouth dropped open in surprise as he quickly became aware of her assumption. He let out a small laugh

"And no Camila, I'm not a 'boyfriend' kind of guy either, I just mean that with the girls I spend time with its less about the relationship part of things and more about the um...physical activities, you know? "

She nodded her understanding

"Do you ever get angry with them?"

"I don't know about angry, I mean there's not really enough emotion involved for that but I definitely enjoy a good argument to get the passion flowing"

Camila's face paled in shock

"You like to argue?"

"Well let's just say that I'm a bit of a fan of make-up sex" Shawn can't help but smirk at the thought of hot, angry, apologetic sex but the look of horror plastered on Camilas face tells him that he may regret what he's about to ask.

"You uh... You aren't?" His voice is as gentle as he can possibly make it and he's not surprised when she says she isn't but the next words to cross her lips shock him to his core

"No I'm not, It hurts" her voice is barely louder than a childish whisper but the emotion that drips from it causes it to reverberate around Shawn's brain like someone rang a church bell in his skull

He desperately wants to reach out to the tiny, fragile, beauty before him, he wants to take her in his arms and protect her from every cruel word, every insult, every unwanted touch but instead he sits deathly still whilst attempting to regulate his breathing as a desire for vengeance burns brighter than any emotion he has ever felt before.

He wants to find the sorry excuse for a man that Camila refers to as her 'boyfriend' and commit all kinds of torturous acts against him, to humiliate, torment, hurt him the way he has done to Camila

"Shawn..." Still he remains still, unable to trust himself to speak

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have had that drink, I shouldn't have stayed here" Camila is up out of her seat and headed for the exit and all Shawn can do is watch her go, all he can trust himself to do is focus on his breathing whilst attempting to contain the demon within himself.

*so this just fell out of my brain on to the paper this morning, it's not the most light hearted thing I have ever written but I hope you enjoyed reading it, I will leave what happened next to your own imagination

*more oneshots to follow in time I'm busy working on Ten Years and Say It Again at the moment x

*PLEASE comment what you enjoyed (or didn't) and vote. I can only decide on what to write if you let me k ow what you like or don't like x

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