Chapter 10

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As I neared the barriers to the entrance of the College. I could see him through the long window's showing an outside view. He was standing at the edge of the building while looking into space. I wondered what he was thinking about, who he was thinking about? but more importantly I was trying to figure out why he wanted to talk to me of all people. It was a little odd I  had to admit to myself. Given I hadn't seen him since the day of Elena's birthday party,which felt like forever ago. I exited the sliding doors and headed towards where he stood. "Hey thanks for waiting", I said knocking him out his thoughts as his gaze moved towards mine. "No problem, I thought you ran for the back doors or something", he replied chuckling slightly. "Hmm I mean I contemplated it", I started walking forward initiating movement in which he followed next to me heading towards Elena's house.

I watched as his eyebrows raised mocking a shocked expression on his face. I could tell he was kidding though, he gave it away with the little crease in his eyes almost as if his eyes were laughing. "You wound me Kayla, here's me thinking you were an angel", Alek replied searching my eyes, I wondered for a moment what he meant by that but opted to ignore the burning desire to just ask him what this was all about right away. It was making me anxious for some reason. And I hated feeling anxious I hated ever feeling unsure about anything that's just always been a thing with me. "So does Elena know I'm coming round I did try to call her but..", before I could finish my sentence he interrupted me. "She knows you're coming I spoke to her mum earlier", his voice was assuring, I had a feeling he may have noticed my nervousness at that point. I focused on the road in front of me leading towards a basketball court which was situated behind where Elena lived.

"Alek!", a voice shouted from the grass next to the courts and I saw a boy running over to us. I could see his eyes briefly narrow, i suspected he was trying to figure out who I was. "You alright Zae?, it's been a long time", I noticed from Alek's calm demeanor that he knew this guy well he seemed comfortable, completely himself. "I'm great man who's your friend here", Zae turned his gaze to me at this point. "Oh yeah sorry this is Kayla, and Kayla this is Zae he's an old friend of mine", I looked over to him and smiled "It's  nice to meet you Zae", in which he smiled back warmly. After a couple more minutes talking Zae had walked off to continue his day.

"He seems nice how do you guys know each other", I asked him intriguingly. "We go way back I grew up with him, our parents travelled together when people were finally allowed in Atlas", he had sat down on a bench at this point in which I joined him. "I see well that explains why you guys seem so close you ever miss it?", he turned towards me "Miss what home?, sometimes I've got used to it here but part of me will always miss it there". I looked at him briefly pausing I was debating whether to just speak my mind and ask him what this was about. That debate was cut short as the impatient side of me had overpowered the patient side of me. "Alek what did you want to talk about?...I mean why am I here", I didn't want to come across rude or anything but I needed to get some answers.

"That day, at Elena's party I didn't mean to get like that I was angry, frustrated but as soon as I looked at you I regretted it and I wanted to apologise" this had completely taken me by surprise my first thought in that moment had been that he didn't owe me anything. And secondly, "Alek you don't need to apologise, you don't owe me anything and those comments were out of line", was exactly my second thought. I was rambling at this point avoiding his eyes it was hard to focus if I got lost in them. I always struggled with what to say. "That's the thing I do need to apologise, because Kayla you're the only one who ever made me feel at home, I can be myself around you and I don't want to lose that I don't want what happened to change how you see me", Alek sighed slightly and it was now his turn to avoid my gaze. " I accept your apology however it is not needed" I rolled my eyes slightly which caused him to smile."I'm glad you feel yourself around me that's all I'd ever want", I continued, "So is that something you want then", he asked. Was he flirting with me? I couldn't tell but then part of me kinda could tell. "I don't know is that something you want?" I replied coyly not lowering my gaze from his i felt like he was testing me or testing the waters whatever it's called. "Hmm nah but I do want your number?", Alek asked passing me his phone smirking slightly. I stared at the screen and laughed in reply. I knew it was risky to get involved with him, everything in my body at this point told me this. But no matter what I knew my fingers had already typed in the 11 digits.

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