Chapter 6

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Five months later:

I looked into the mirror as I analysed the red dress I had thrown on, it was cute and eye-catching. I had no doubt about it drawing attention. I paused for a moment debating if this was a good option. At this point I questioned if I could be bothered to entertain any stares tonight. I rushed over to my set of draws rummaging through them as I remembered I had a little black dress I hadn't warn yet. It was the kind that clung in the right places but felt comfortable at the same time. I placed it over my head pulling it down slowly letting it mould to my body. I glanced into the mirror sighing in relief as I seen the reflection looking back at me looked suitable for a party. It was Elena's birthday today and she was having a party to celebrate turning 19. She had been planning this for ages, and she was the kind of person who viewed their birthday as sacred. I was looking forward to it summer had been a drag, I had hardly done much so I didn't have any spontaneous stories to tell. This was probably the most exciting occasion to have occurred in my life recently.

As I thought that my phone started buzzing loudly my eyes shot towards it, I guessed it was probably Sabrina checking if I was even dressed. I grabbed my phone and answered.
"Hello", I said as the call connected.
"Kayla you better be ready I am literally on my way to pick you up my mums driving us there", Sabrina replied her voice sounding rushed and stressed. I could hear she was in a car probably driving to get last minute details for the party.
"I am literally ready I just need to finish off my makeup", I responded looking into the mirror at my half completed makeup. It wouldn't take me too long to finish I was quick with these things and once I put my lashes on I was ready for anything.
"Okay well you have about 15 minutes tops", Sabrina states causing me to grab the eyeshadow brush from off my desk.

Two beeps sounded my road indicating Sabrina had arrived. I grabbed my bag hanging on my door and made my way down the stairs and out the house. Once I stepped outside I could see Sabrina sitting in the passenger seat of her mothers car she smiled at me waving. I took in her features. Sabrina was a petite girl she was tiny 5ft1 at most. She had straight brown hair cut into a short bob framing her small face. She had lashes for days I always told her how much I wished I had them. My lashes were short, hence why I wore lashes when I had an occasion like this. I opened the door to the car and hopped in. "Hey babes how are you" Sabrina asked before I could even shut the door.
"I'm fine lovely how are you, you guys got here so quick", I highlighted. Because they had I was pretty sure it had been about 10 minutes and she had gave me 15 so.
"You know how mum drives", she replied laughing. In which I joined as I understood exactly what she meant, her mum was the best driver often driving fast. Always getting us to places on time. We carried on conversing for the rest of the drive with her mother chiming in with us.

As the car neared Elena's house a thought crossed my mind. When I say thought it's more a person. I don't know why I hadn't thought about the fact there was a huge possibility he would be here tonight. I mean it's Elena's birthday and he is her family. When I deeped it I hadn't really thought about it because I had been busy today. But once the car parked up opposite her house I could feel myself feeling nervous. The funny thing was I had no clue why. So I hadn't seen him for about five months....I may have noted that fact in my head. The fact I hadn't spoke to him or even crossed paths. One thing I will have to admit is he is on my mind from time to time.

I opened the door and walked towards the house side by side with Sabrina. She was complaining about how cold it was pulling her skirt down. I joked about how she should've wore more clothes in which she replied, "it has to be done I needed to stunt today", giggling as her heels clicked against the concrete floor. I laughed in reply she had a point, I didn't know how many people were gonna be at this party. I knew she had invited most of our friends from school and you know how parties get. People never know the meaning of a plus one always coming in groups prepared for any motive in front of them. Plus it was a Saturday night perfect timing for a party after a long week of college.

The door swung open and three girls exited making there way to the front of the house and stood there holding glasses filled with some kind of red drink. A deadly mix if you ask me. Deadly mixes were alcoholic concoctions that I was usually in charge of but I could see by the way these girls wobbled that maybe a bit too much tequila had been added to it. The girls giggled loudly, the kind of laugh that would make you look automatically probably wondering what was so funny. I recognised one of the girls as I focussed on the group more closely. She had been Elena's friend and we had hung out a few times I smiled at her and she waved back enthusiastically informing and confirming my point that she was a little bit tipsy. Only because she was usually quiet only speaking when she had too.

I entered the house seeing ballons covering the floor as I glanced into the front room I could see Elena smiling in the distance she definitely looked like the birthday girl. Wearing a fitted white dress with matching white heels. She looked like a picture. Her long brown hair was curled, at the ends creating loose curls. In that moment she had realised we had arrived and I could see her childlike green eyes light up. She looked over to me signalling me and Sabrina over. "Girls come over here", Elena shouted from across the room eagerly. I could tell even with all these people in the room it didn't match to the bond we had within our little circle. She was excited we were here.
I walked towards the living room and stood at the door pausing slightly. As I looked forward I saw him. He looked different. He looked older and more grown into himself. I wasn't sure how that was possible it had only been a few months. At this point he was laughing at something someone had said opposite him. It wasn't hard to spot him he was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt with some trainers. How did such a simple outfit look good on a person. Or was it just because he was smiling right now making it hard not to admire him. At that point he looked up causing my bubbling questions to fade and stared at me almost as if he heard my thoughts in that moment.

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