Knives, Swords and anything sharp

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        "Im soooo hungry, I kind of miss food...even tacos, and you KNOW I dont even like tacos!" my best friend CeCe said while starring at an old coupon book. To be honest I was starting to miss those things too. Its not fun eating rabbit stew and lots of canned goods everyday but we have to do what we gotta do in order to survive. " Great, now im hungry." I responded. We have been hiding out in an abandoned house for about a week now, gathering supplies and stuff from around the area. I found an awesome machete that I gave to CeCe, I found it propped up on a shelf gleaming while everything else had dust growing on it. CeCe has had this weird obsession with weapons even before the breakout occcured. Her room used to be filled with Guns and Ammo magazines and she knew how to disassemble all types of guns ranging from hand guns to rifles and more, her parents even had a samari sword in the living room that they let her practice with. Me, I was more interested with knives, swords, anything with a sharp blade basically. Walkers are more attracted to gun shots which is why I personally took away all of CeCe's guns that didnt have a silencer on them. About a month ago we went to a worn down department store a couple of towns over and CeCe decided to start firing her gun at a couple of walkers that were breaking the windows of the store, at the time we had no idea how strong the sound was to the walkers until a bunch of them started to crawl out from under cars and from the houses near by. CeCe would have been lucky if she was bitten by a walker at the store because I was ready to murder her by the time we got back to our so called "home". Thanks to her I ended up dislocating my shoulder and I had a giant gash across my side. 

        "We should start practicing, like learning how to fight real people in case something ever happens. We can't make it out there in this world without help and you already know that people wlll do anything to survive. We're going to be used, especially since we are so young." I said to CeCe. All of this fear started to hit me at once and I started to cry. Its been a while since I have cried, about 8 months. There isnt time to think about all these other thoughts that have been circling in my head these past few months. We havent had a decent sleep in a while and we are always on the move. Now that we had a place to settle into for a bit all of these emotions decided to hit me. We are just two young girls, we shouldnt have to worry about wheither or not we are going to die the next day.

" SON OF A GUN!" CeCe shouted while holding a bleeding finger in her mouth.

" My God you are a genius" I said to her while holding my head in my hands. Time to go fix whatever she did now.         

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