3) Well That's Going To Leave A Mark

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Cassandra POV

I woke up with the most pounding headache, I thought I had been drugged again. To my relief I was only trapped under a van, as oppose to being trapped in a basement. That didn't make it hurt any less though. I could hear some voices. Most likely some paramedics and the fire department. Luckily my head was free of the car so I was able to just barely turn it to see someone. The pavement tiles went haywire in the crash so I couldn't move my head all that much. A man came over and tried to reassure me that I was safe and that I would be free soon. I wasn't worried but I could still feel tears rolling down my cheeks. This is how dad died, trapped under a car. Was I going to die too? I was faintly aware that I was asking for my dad and the paramedic I learned was called Gabby and the firefighter called Severide who were both sitting with me assured me that I would see my dad soon after they got the truck off of me. I was sure I was going to die and I started hyperventilating. Part of me was aware of my panic attack but there was nothing I could do but let it happen, the paramedic and firefighter were both trying to talk be down from it but there was nothing they could do either. Just then Mabel came over and started to lick my face and paw at the exposed part of my shoulder and 3 minutes later my breathing returned to normal and I felt very very tired. 
"No, sorry honey you can't go to sleep. We need you to stay awake"
She isn't my mother. Why is she telling me what to do? I'm going to sleep anyway. But that quickly became impossible to sleep as I screamed bloody murder as the car and by extension the car pipe was pulled out of my leg. Then for the second time everything went black.

Gabby POV

The first thing myself and Sylvie were greeted by at the scene was a dirty dog? I would have thought him to be a stray but he had a collar and leash on. When I saw the patient it made sense though. Homeless girl walking her dog and gets hit by the van. 
"Sylvie take the driver I've got the girl!" 
I came round the car just in time to see her turn her head a little bit and croak out something. Then she called out for her dad. Poor girl, doesn't want to be here she just wants to go home to her dad. I guess she only looks homeless. She started crying which quickly turned into a panic attack, luckily her dog managed to calm her down. We do NOT want her freaking out whilst under a car. It looked like she wanted to go to sleep
"No, sorry honey you can't go to sleep. We need you to stay awake."
She looked like she was trying to fight it but a panic attack combined with a concussion and blood loss its a miracle she wasn't unconsious already. 
"Gabby its about to get painful hold onto her." Matt called. Poor girl, I hope she has a good tolerance. 
She let out quite the scream before passing out. We had to get her to med and fast.
"Backboard here, now!"
We got a C-collar on her, put her on a backboard and sped off to med.
"Doctor Choi! 11ish year old girl stuck under a van after it hit her. 2 head lacerations, a nasty injury to the leg and diminished lung sounds on the left side and hypothermic, she is light as a feather too."
"Thank you dawson, we will take it from here."
So I left her to doctor Charles before informing the police about what had happened. They did need to know about high driving if the girls parents want to press charges. But instead of asking about the driver they seemed more interested in the girl. They were interrogation me about who she was and  her appearance. I guess someone must have known her.

Dr Choi POV

We had an ambulance with an ETA of 2 minutes out so I readied trauma 2 and went to go meet them at the entrance. I wonder what happened this time. I was disheartened to see a little girl being wheeled in.

"Doctor Choi! 11ish year old girl stuck under a van after it hit her. 2 head lacerations, a nasty injury to the leg and diminished lung sounds on the left side and hypothermic, she is light as a feather too."
"Thank you dawson, we will take it from here."

Jesus all that on 1 girl? I hope Maggie could find her family.
(Medical jargin)
"Alright, we've got her stable. Maggie any luck on finding her family?"
"Nothing, by the contents of her bag and how light she looks I'm guessing that she is homeless."
"Poor kid. Ok call CPS."
Just after Maggie left to make her call what seemed like the entire police department came tumbling through the door ribbiting on about someone who j assume was a patient.
"One at a time please!" I had to yell at the crowd of police officers.
Jay spoke first "Patient, 11ish named Cassandra came in 20ish minutes ago?"
"Come with me."
So I led them over to trauma 2 where this Cassandra girl slept. And somehow her dog had gotten in and was laying with her?
I had to get the probably diseased dog away from my patient.
"Come here Mabel, come on girl." Will said before taking her outside to tie her to one of the poles.
"Ok I'll leave you to her CPS will be here in an hour."
I don't think they heard me but even so I left them in her room anyway and left for lunch break.

I'll try to get chapters out a bit quicker from now on. Comment any improvement and vote if you liked it.
See you later, love Lizzi

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