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I aligned my posture, standing as upright as I could in the chair, looking at the Moroccan lamp in the corner of the table as I made notes in my book and suddenly stood up. Last night was intense and full of madness, but I am here again, truly enjoying a luxury that was willingly given to me.

I buttoned my white shirt on my body, adjusting my pants and left my room, pausing when I saw Normani leave the princess's room, I looked at her and gave her a nod when I saw her approach, her expression was more peaceful after the madness.

"Did you sleep well?" It was apparent that she was being polite and friendly.

It is a relief to have such a good person around.

"Like never before, even if there were traumatic events, I'm fine. What about you?" I asked looking at the navy blue cloth over her hair.

"I'm used to it, I slept perfectly." Her answer didn't seem like a lie, she has this devastating sense of balance. My eyes got lost next door, in the last room down the hall.

"What about her?" I asked quietly remembering the state in which I saw the princess last night. Normani approached me, her voice reaching a lower tone.

"Tawaba joined our team at the time that Karila married Hamid, years ago, a betrayal like that leaves disturbing marks." Her statement reminded me of the woman so feignedly fragile that she helped me come to my room.

"What will happen to Tawaba?" I asked curiously. Guess won't be paradise.

Normani clenched her jaw, her arms crossed imposing.

"It has already happened, and it is best that you don't know it, for your protection." She said, silencing me in my curiosity. If she said, I wouldn't doubt it, I don't want to get in trouble.

"Sorry, I'm just worried about you," I said looking her move her face to look at me. She smiled slightly.

"Thank you for your concern, but none of these problems will affect me, I'm used to it, think about your expedition." She encouraged me. I nodded, not wanting to be meddlesome, in an unthinking act I moved to kiss her cheek in thanks and looked at her surprised face, something about her reflected a pure need to read my expression.

"I lied to Karila." She whispered, looking at me close. I frowned.

"About what exactly?" I asked curiously intrigued. She looked over her shoulder, discerning that the door was closed.

"I didn't say the real reason for helping you, I can't say that I think she may have weaknesses, she'll feel terrible about it, I didn't even mention that she talked about Hamid when she was delusional, you can't even mention that if she comes to thank you personally. Don't expose her weakness, it will make her feel humiliated, and I don't want that." Her voice was quick, but she was firm in her beliefs.

"What did you tell her? I need to know to prepare if she asks me." I replied a little too flustered, I don't want to fall into the idiocy of making her stay against me again. Normani frowned.

"I said I was interested in you, romantically." She pressed her lips together and I started.

"What? Are you a lesbian? And she knows that and won't burn you at the stake?" I asked incredulously. Normani laughed.

"She doesn't say anything, she doesn't care either, if she thinks it's bad or good, that's what I am, and that was a lie, I just told her not to question it anymore, in her mind I helped you because I'm interested in you." She justified making me look down. A lie.

"It's not like it's true, is it?" I asked looking at her sighing. It must be a difficult answer to give, given her reaction.

"You are attractive, and I may be interested in you, but look..." She paused that left me disgusted.

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