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Lauren's POV

I needed to make a complete reconstruction of what I had become used to in such a short time. And as it's strange to feel so many things in such a short time, I should've already predicted that I was getting myself into something crazy when I got here, I hasted and all the problems with the princess started.

It was the first time that I left my classroom environment, the books that were arranged on my desk in piles, and let myself live this world out here in such an intense way. Me, who should have become accustomed to the madness since I was so young, for not contextualizing myself in what is standard, in what is visible and certain and palpable.

One day and it feels like weeks, I swear one month might feel like years here.

I didn't have much more to do to sabotage my sanity, I just went into my room, picked up my glasses on the table, and went out onto the terrace, feeling the cool breeze touch my face for good. I got lost in time, stuffing my hands in my pants pockets, trying to visualize the distance and make that scenery not look so different.

Minutes went by looking at the pyramids lit up at night, I smiled lowering my gaze, I was fascinated by that country even though it was so difficult and complex, and so extensive to begin to understand. If only women here had the luxury of freedom, they would be happier and would make the reflection of what it is physically, even more dazzling.

The unlocking of doors made me look over my shoulder and I saw the princess leave her room, holding two golden glasses and a bottle of wine. My gaze on her walk.

"Want some help?" I asked approaching her. She didn't answer, just gave me the bottle and kept walking to the low table, the Moroccan lamp off, she put the glasses on the table and lit it touching the outside, sitting on the colorful cushions on the floor. I did the same in silence, placing the bottle on the table and sitting on the other side, on the cushions, leaning back in comfort watching her touch a black scarf she carried, stretching out on the table.

"The last time something like that came up, you wanted to kill me." I suggested looking suspiciously at the scarf.

"Not that it has changed much, the concepts of gratitude have only been updated." She dropped the fabric in my hands, and I brought it to me, looking at it, it was soft and it looked like black silk or satin, they were so similar and it was in such low light that I didn't know how to define aesthetically what it was was.

"I want to drink wine." She justified my confusion looking at the scarf.

I understood that she wanted to, she wouldn't have accepted my invitation if it were against her will, she isn't the type of woman who gives in to the wishes of others above her wishes.

"It's to cover your eyes."

I raised my eyebrow, imagining putting wine in my nostrils as I tried to drink it with my eyes closed.

"You can trust me, it's not like I'm going to go out in a public square to define your physical characteristics for everyone, Your Highness." I tried to give her security, but the little of her eyes that I could see were irreducible.

"You don't ask for trust, it'll come when it suits you, don't believe that I'm going to trust you just because you asked me to, I just need wine." I could feel her voice tremble at some point even though it wasn't my specialty to deal with other people's feelings. That made me accept what she wanted, just privacy, that's what she wants.

I took off my glasses and put it on the table, and before putting the fabric over my eyes, I looked at it well, realizing that the cloth that covered her head was ornamented with gold and black, she was very beautiful today and I didn't even know what she looked like, this is so crazy that if I told anyone my definition of covered beauty, they would laugh in my face for focusing on something so uncertain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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