Chapter 1: The Burrow

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You were sitting on a grassy hill with the love of your life watching fireflies float above you. You looked over at him, even in the dark his you could see red hair. He was laying on his back looking up at the sky his right hand tucked behind his head and his other laying across his stomach. Fred Weasley was absolutely stunning, and no one could ever tell you otherwise. He seemed to sense your eyes on him because his flicked over to you.

"Quit staring at me, creep." He said with smirk.

"I'm not," you say turning and looking back at the Burrow down below.

You'd been staying here since term ended two weeks ago. Your father had went back to the states to convince MACUSA that Voldemort the Dark Lord was back. The Ministry of Magic here in England was doing everything they could to squash any talk of it. They were pretending like nothing happened at the Triwizard tournament. It wasn't like your best friend was murdered by the Dark Lord and another one of your friends nearly died as well. It wasn't like a death eater, a follower of the Dark Lord, has pretended to be an ex auror turned teacher for almost an entire year while keeping the real one in a trunk. You got frustrated and sad every time you thought about it.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Fred asked.

"Just got lost again," you say laying back on the grass.

"Want to talk about it?" He asks.

"Not right now," you say looking up at the sky.

Suddenly he was above you. He smiled wickedly. He leaned in and kissed you. His tongue working it's way into your mouth to deepen the kiss. He pulled you up so you'd be straddling his lap. He had a hand your hair and on your hip. You had yours on his chest. You continued kissing and hands were exploring. Things were getting hot and heavy.

Then you heard shouting. You broke apart and shot up. You could hear the sound of Arthur Weasley shouting. Wait... Arthur shouting? Arthur doesn't shout... You looked at Fred and he seemed to think the same thing. You both ran down the hill. You'd made it to the back garden and you heard another voice Percy shouting. There had been spats since you'd been there between Percy and his family. You both made it to the back door. You could tell this fight was different. It sounded too angry. You and Fred came in the back door to find Percy and Arthur red faced and shouting. You honestly couldn't tell what they were saying because your brain couldn't process the gentlest and purest man you'd ever met shouting in anger. You saw Molly crying in the kitchen. She was begging them to stop. They weren't listening. Percy was gathering his belonging and shoved past you through the back door. He disappear in the darkness.

You looked back at Arthur who stood there panting and red faced. He looked at the two of you and his face softened. You must have looked scared.

"I'm sorry you all had to hear that... How was your date?" He asked trying to calm down.

"It was fine, Mr. Weasley. Are you ok?" You ask tentatively.

"Yes. Percy has decided to move out." He said closing any further discussion.

"Did you all have enough at your dinner?" Molly asked looking around the kitchen.

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley." You say.

"My dear will you please call me Molly." She says smiling exasperated.

"Sorry, ma'am southern manners and all" You say shrugging.

"You two head on up to bed, alright?" She said motioning to the stairs.

"Yes, ma'am. Good night." You say obeying.

You got to the stairs and noticed Fred not moving. He had went and hugged his mother then his father. He headed to the stairs you walked up together. You got to the landing where Ginny's room is. Fred looked angry. He was spiraling in his own head. You could tell.

"Hey." You say grabbing his face making him look at you.

"I can't believe him." He says putting his forehead to yours.

"I know." You say leaning in and kissing him.

" I love you." He said pulling away.

"I love you, too." You say smiling at him.

"Good night." You say opening Ginny's door.

"Good night." He says with a wink.

He heads up to the landing where he and George's room is. You enjoyed the view.

"Stop staring at my butt, Everglade." Fred said.

"In your dreams, Weasley."  You retort.

"Always" he said.

"You guys are gross!" You hear Ron yell from somewhere above.

"Shut your trap Ronald!" Fred yelled.

"Boys!" Molly yelled.

That was your cue to go into Ginny's room. It was cute with floral bedding, but at the same time badass with quidditch posters. It had been just you and Ginny for now. Hermione was supposed to join you all at some point. Ginny's bed was big enough that you both could fit comfortably. You changed into your pajamas. You heard a sniffle. Ginny was awake and had been crying. You snuggled into bed and put an arm around her. She snuggled back into you.

"You ok?" You asked.

"No." She answered.

"Want to talk?" You asked.

"No." She said.

"Ok." You say.

"How was your date?" She asked.

"It was good. We went to a chip shop, walked around for a bit, and then sat upon the hill for a while." You tell her.

She wiggled out of the snuggle and whipped around to face you. She had red puffy eyes but they were a light with curiosity.

"And?" She asked.

"And what?" You ask.

"What did you do on that hill?"  She insisted.

"Ginny..." you say cautiously

"Tell me!"  She demanded

"We kissed, things started to go a little further..." you explain

"And?" She asked

"And then shouting..." you add.

"Damn Percy." She cursed.

"Yeah damn, Percy." You say frustratedly.

It's not like you and Fred were going to go all the way. You both had discussed that you weren't ready for that yet. You were both comfortable seeing where making out led you. Lately it felt like every time things were getting good something would stop it. It was so frustrating. You wondered if Fred felt the same.

"It'll happen when it happens." Ginny said.

"Yeah." You say.

"Night." She says.

"Night." You say.

Then you drift off to sleep with thoughts of staying on that hill for the rest of your life.

The Tales of Lyla Everglade: Book 2: The OrderWhere stories live. Discover now