Chapter 9: Frogs and Hogs

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As time went on things became somewhat normal. You didn't have a panic attack every time someone mentioned Cedric's name. You barely saw Fred or the other Gryffindors unless it was class or meals. You were constantly working on school work. You were working even through meals.

There was also the developement of Umbridge becoming High Inquisitor of the school. This means she basically do what she wants, like make rules and get people fired.

You were walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts with Hermione discussing the lack of practical magic in the class. Harry and Ron bumped into you.

"Sorry," was chorused by all.

"Hey I have something for you!" Harry said reaching in his pocket.

He pulled out a small note and handed it to you. You caught a glimpse of the back of his hand. You snatched it. You were horrified by what you saw. There were words carved into his hand. They said: I must not tell lies.

"Harry what is this?" You ask looking at his face.

"Nothing." He said wrenching his hand away.

"Harry! That isn't nothing!" You say.

"I'm fine." Harry said annoyed

"I didn't ask if you were fine, Potter. I asked what it was. Answer now." You say folding your arms across your chest.

You both held each other in place. Ron and Hermione flicking between you both. Harry relented realizing you wouldn't let it go.

"It was a punishment during my detention with Umbridge." He said quietly.

"Excuse me?" You said your stomach turning.

"It's not a big deal. Don't make it a big deal. I don't want her to have the satisfaction of knowing I complained." Harry said.

"Harry... ok." You say quietly.

You all went into class and sat through the lesson. You hated Umbridge more and more. The lesson wasn't even her teaching. She made you read the text book. There was no actual learning. You were fuming. Hermione's hand hit the air. You glanced after her. Hermione "doesn't argue with a teacher" Granger then engaged in a debate with Umbridge on the usefulness of Jinxes. This resulted in five points from Gryffindor and another week of detention from Harry. He had decided to yell at her again.

You got to the dinner table that night and remembered the note Harry had given you.

Meet me on the fifth floor after dinner.

You had some much work to do. You hadn't really seen him a lot since term started. You thought that there wouldn't be any harm in going. If you made back by curfew. You'd still be able to work after. You decided you'd do it. You finished dinner and headed to the fifth floor. You were wandering around and were about to just go back to your common room when you were pulled into a hidden alcove. You nearly screamed until you saw the mischievous face of Fred.

"Fred Gideon Weasley... you son of a..." you began but were immediately interrupted by his mouth on yours.

He pushed you against the wall. His hands were everywhere. You let out a small moan as his hand grazed your breast. His other hand grabbed your ass. You kissed like this for what seemed like days or months. He broke away to breathe. You were both out of breath and a mess.

"I've missed you." Fred said resting his forehead against yours.

"I've missed you, too." You say clutching his shirt.

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