Chapter 2: Back to London

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The next day was awkward to navigate. Arthur had left for work by the time everyone was awake. You came down the stairs to find Molly alone cooking. She looked like she hadn't slept and cried all night.

"Mrs. Weasley? Can I help?" You asked.

She started. She turned to see you and smiled. Her eyes tired.

"Lyla, call me Molly. Yes, I could use another hand." She said gesturing for you to approach.

"I think my Grams would tan my hide if I did, Mrs. Weasley." You say taking over flipping the eggs that she was frying."

"Tan your hide?" She asked bewildered.

"It's southern for spank or punish. My family was never one for spanking. I don't think I have ever really given them a reason to. It's just a thing people say." You explain when her eyes went wide.

"Ah. I see." She said satisfied with your answer.

You both spent the rest of the time cooking in comfortable quiet. She seemed impressed with your cooking abilities.

"Single dad." You explained.

"Right." She said looking like she was internally kicking herself for bringing it up.

"It's fine to talk about." You say smiling.

"Oh. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." She said placing plates on the table.

"I don't. It's apart of my life. I've had a single dad for as long as I can remember. I don't remember my mom. She's not making the best decisions right now, and I don't know if that will change. Would I like to know her? Of course, but my dad, Grams, and Pops have always been enough. That was until I met your kids. Then there was like a piece that I didn't know was missing clicked into place. It's not just Fred, either. Ginny is like the sister I never knew I needed. George, Bill, and Ron are like brothers to me. I didn't understand really what that bond meant until last year. Fred is well.... he's.... more." You say and you can't seem to stop talking the words keep spilling out.

You place the last egg on the serving plate and bring it to the table. You turned to get the toast and was wrapped in a tight hug. Molly was hugging you tightly. You hugged her back. This hug was different from every other hug you'd ever received. It was a mom hug. You hugged her back. You loved Molly Weasley more than words could say. She'd made you comfortable and given you a place to stay.

Arthur was the same. He'd done so much for you. Arthur was working on getting you citizenship here in England, so you could stay. He'd gotten you student visa and was working on the citizenship part. He thought once you turned seventeen it would be easier. Then by wizarding world law you'd be an adult.

Molly let go and put a hand to your cheek. She smiled a watery smile. She patted your cheek.

"You are always apart of this family, Fred or not." She said going to finish readying for breakfast.

You heard people on the stairs. You turned to look and all the Weasley children were staring at you. Your face burned with embarrassment. They'd heard you.

"Hey, sis!" George said with a wink.

He went and sat down at the table. The rest of them laughed. Ginny gave you a tiny hug. You all sat at the table having a wonderfully domestic breakfast. Fred's hand was on your knee and he'd occasionally squeeze it. You knew what your words had meant to his mother, especially right after last night. You knew what it meant to him for you to comfort her. You didn't do it for them. You meant everything you'd said.

The day wore on and you helped Molly with the housework. The boys and Ginny played quidditch in the backyard. You'd found out that you weren't the best at quidditch. You were a decent flyer, but adding anything else to that was a no go.

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