Chapter 3: Grimmauld Place

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The next day was hectic packing. You'd gathered all your laundry, belongings, and such. You carefully and neatly packed. Ginny was chucking things in her trunk. You finally stopped her and helped her pack. She found your organization exhausting.

"Honestly, you and Hermione are twins." Ginny said rolling her eyes.

"Just get your shit downstairs, you heathen." You said to her.

You both dragged your trunks out to the landing. You were starting to drag it down the stairs. When the trunk left your hand and magically flew to the door. You whirled got see Fred leaning against the wall with his wand in hand and a smirk on his face. Your insides burned at the sight of him. You raked your eyes over him.

"Careful, love. A man could get the wrong idea you looking at him like that." He said brushing his frame against you as he passed you to go down the stairs.

Ginny made gagging sound. You thunked her on the back of the head. She looked at you annoyed.

You went down the stairs with Salem's, your barn owl, cage in hand. You whistled and he whooshed to your arm. You gave him a small pet on his belly. He hooted contently. You opened the cage and he hopped inside. You helped Ron get his things down the stairs. He still wouldn't look you in the eyes.

Once everyone was sorted out and ready to go, there was a knock on the door. Molly answered the door.

"Watcher, Molly!" Came a female voice and in walked a pretty young woman with a shock of pink hair.

"Oh good Tonks you're here. You got transportation figured out." Molly said relieved.

"Kingsley and I managed to get you two ministry cars but I don't think we'll be able to do this again." The woman named Tonks said and you caught her eye.

Her eyes went wide and she started coming at you. She extended a hand and smiled.

"I'm Tonks! Love your hair." She said touching one of your blue strands.

"I'm Lyla Everglade, ma'am." You say shaking her hand.

"Ew. Don't call me that or I'll hex you. Call me Tonks. Ma'am makes me sound old." Tonks said rolling her eyes.

"Ok, Tonks. I like your hair, too. Do you use a spell or..." you began.

Before you could even finish the sentence she closed her eyes and her hair went from pink to green to yellow and back to pink again. Your mouth fell open.

"I'm a metamorphmagus." She said with a wink.

"I've heard of people having this ability. I have so many questions." You say bouncing with excitement.

"All will he answered once we get Grimmauld Place" she said magicking the trunks to fly out the door.

You grabbed Salem's cage and followed Tonks outside. The ministry cars just looked like regular cars, but they'd definitely been extended magically to accommodate the trunks and people that were being crammed inside. You were squashed in between Ginny and Fred with Salem in his cage on your lap. The cars must have been magicked to go faster and to avoid traffic as well. You arrived in London much faster than you thought possible. You all were unloading your luggage when you looked at the line of buildings. You were looking at the numbers when you saw something odd.

"Where's 12?" You asked.

"Here read this." Tonks said handing you a slip of paper.

#12 Grimmauld Place, London

You looked at her and she nodded back to the buildings. You looked and to your utter astonishment you saw 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Fidelius Charm?" You asked.

"Very good." Came a voice from the side.

There stood a scarred and shabby looking man. He smiled warmly.

"Professor Lupin!" Ron cried.

"Ah, hello Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny. Good to see my old students again. Molly. Arthur." He said inclining his head, "You must be Miss Everglade."

He extended a hand which you accepted without hesitation.

"Nice to meet you, sir." You say.

"Call me, Remus." He said patting your hand.

You all entered number 12. You were told to stay quiet in the hall. You weren't told why. That was until Ron tripped on the carpet and landed with a crash.

One of the paintings that had a covering on it began to scream.


A man with long black hair and a sallow face came out pointing his wand at the painting. He was trying to pin down with the help of Remus the curtain that was coming lose. All the while the voice kept screaming. Finally, the painting quieted and the man pointed for you all to follow him up the stairs you did. Tonks magically bringing your luggage and owl cages as to not disturb the painting again.

Once you got to the second floor, the man turned and smiled a smile that didn't reach his eyes. You felt like you'd seen this man before. Where though?

"Sorry about mum," the man said inclining his head in the direction you'd come from.

"That was your mum, Sirius?" Ron asked.

Holy shit... this was Sirius Black... The Sirius Black... Your brain was going into overload. You tried to calm yourself. You felt a hand slip into yours. You looked up at Fred who smiled at you.

"Unfortunately, Ron that was my dear mother. She's a treat isn't she. Now you all can have your pick of the rooms. There is one on this floor, one availble on the next one, and two on the next one. There's one on that one that'd be good for you and Arthur, Molly. That's it. Welcome to number twelve." Sirius said his arms open in welcome.

The Tales of Lyla Everglade: Book 2: The OrderWhere stories live. Discover now