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Magnus pov:
I was already rather pissed at Jace for breaking Alecs heart but now he overdid it! He seriously had the guts of having feelings for MY sister! Oh god help me, because the second this farce is over I am going to end him!! Alec's body has slouched down as well after seeing that. So no way in hell will I allow that! Not that I would allow Jace getting together with alec, that's my goal! I don't even know what's the matter with that shadowhunter but something in me calls out for him. And I lived already long enough to not worship such a present from heaven! When I hear my sister shout to alec to not let go I feel my heart sink. But it already was too late to stop him from letting go of our hands. Valak has already picking up my beloved sister and I completely lose it! Absolutely no one is allowed to touch my sister!!! And definitely not a demon!! Hearing Elisa's cry for help let's me jump in action with not a thought of how dangerous this might get. Before I would let anyone hurt my sister I would gladly die instead of her. She is the most important person in this whole universe and even farther than that.
„Hold on tightly! I got you!" I shout to her in absolute terror. If I am going to loose her because of something like this I don't know what I would do. She is my world! My safe heaven where I can only be me with absolutely no fear of making a fool out of me.
„Let me help!" alecs deep voice says behind me while he grips tightly on Elisa's legs as well. Jace and Izzy also quickly join us but it's a losing battle.
„Clarissa! We need more help!" I shout to her desperately in fear of losing her. Out of the corner of my eyes i see Clary gripping a blade in her hands. She looks slightly hesitant but after she looks to my now unconscious sister she seems to made up her mind.
„If you kill him your memories would be lost! No way of getting them back than!" I shout to her. Desperate for her help but I also want to play with open cards here. Her facial expression doesn't change at all though. With her eyes pushed in tiny slits she runs up to Valak and pushes the blade right through his chest area. The demon shouts out in agony before he vanishes into thin air. Quickly I catch my sisters falling body in mine and softly lay her on the floor. I can hear the others talking behind me but I don't care. The only thing important right now is my sister. With a relieved sigh I notice she still has a heartbeat as well as the fact that she is still breathing. It's nearly impossible for a warlock to die but this was a way too close call for my liking. Softly I caress her face with love. The thought of nearly losing her makes me shudder slightly.
„Magnus? Is she...I mean." Clary stammers out worry lacing her words.
„She is alive. Barely, but alive." I answer without looking away from my baby sisters face. Slowly I gathered myself up enough to start healing her. At least I need to get her strong enough to get her back to my layer to mix an elexir to help her heal completely. When her skin tone was slightly darker than it just had been I open a portal to my loft.
„She is stabil enough to go back to my place. Hurry up if you want to come along." I tell them while carefully picking her up in my arms. With hurried footsteps I go through the portal only to softly lay her down on my couch once again. When I look up, I see all of the four shadowhunters have followed me.
„I need all of this as quick as possible. Could any of you get the ingredients." I ask no one in particular. With slight surprise Jace and Izzy both grab towards the small list I have made to help. Jace however was the slightly faster one to pull it to him.
„I will go with him. Two are quicker than one anyway." Izzy states already running after Jace.
„What can we do?" Clary asks with tears in her eyes. Since there is nothing else that could be done for them, I only wave towards the other couch opposite of the one I laid Elisa on before I went back on sending my whole healing energy into her again. I have no idea for how long this has gone on for, the only thing I did realized is that Alec had kneeled down beside me and the fact that my strength slowly starts to weaken. It gets harder to hold my eyes open, the energy I am sending into the still unconscious body is draining me more and more.
„I need your strength." I mumble weakly to Alec. He sighs softly before slowly nodding in agreement.
„Take what you need." he answers me strongly. His hand already held out for me to take. His dark blue eyes shine in worry and guilt since it was him who let go of mine and Jaces hands. If he wouldn't of done that, than Valak could of never escaped through our bond and therefore wouldn't of attacked Elisa. I however know that he didn't meant to do so, he simply was shocked that the demon brought forth a memory of his parabatai. He surely was ashamed of that and as much I have seen of him till now, he hasn't come to the term of his sexuality. So seeing this must of shocked him. I also am more than sure that he never meant to hurt my sister intentionally. As she herself has told me this night, he was very respectful to her ever since their first run in. He even called the clave because of what he had found out through her since he believed her with what she had told him of Valentine. So I won't hold him accountable for what happened. Why should I after all? Elisa, sweet as she is also won't hold a grudge against him, I know that for sure.
„We got everything!" Izzy yells as they run back into the room. They lay every item next to me on the ground and I hurriedly mix everything together while whispering the correct spell along with stirring. When the mixture changes into a deep purple I know that it has worked. Slowly I sprinkle some of it on Elisa's lips as well as in her mouth. That's when her body starts to glow like a huge halo. Her eyes flatter open and her eyes shiny in her natural baby blue with confusion.
„What happened?" she asks me slightly irritated on why we are at my place now.
„Valak broke through and got you in his grip. You fell unconscious. I brought you back and healed you back up. Alec helped by giving my some of his strength." I explain with relief running through me like nothing ever before.
„Clarissa's memories?" she questions but I can tell that she already knows that they were lost. So I only shake my head at her.
„I really am thankful for all your guys help." she thankfully tells everyone after a few seconds of silence go by.
„Welcome." i say and softly kiss her forehead lovingly. Way too happy to hide my feelings towards her. They can think whatever about it, I don't care.

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