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Elisa's pov:
Raphael, bless his heart, got to my new home only five minutes or so after Magnus has left. He right away knew that something was wrong since I usually never leave a destination like that, at least not without telling my closest friends. So after we talked for a small time he offered to watch my baby girl while I go to think for a bit. Sleeping wasn't something that I could do right now anyway, even though I am completely exhausted from this day! I however wasn't feeling good to leave too far away from my sweet daughter. So I instead decided on sitting on the roof top of my new home. It's pretty peaceful up here. The sounds from the cars down on the streets weren't that loud up here anymore and I could even see some stars which calms me down a little. Remembering how all those year ago Magnus and I were stargazing nearly every night. Back than we were just children that tried to find their place in this world and as bad as it may sound, till today I have no idea where I belong. I know what I am, but there is no other being exact like myself. Other than my brother who's mother was human, my mother was an angel. This combination is completely unheard of. My brother never let me feel like I don't belong, quit the opposite to be honest. Still it's strange to know that you are one of a kind and that you have no one other than a brother to depend on for help. Of course I made really good friends throughout my existence, Raphael is one of them. If not there would be no way I would allow him anywhere near my daughter! Maybe I am hurting so bad because I thought jace is the place where I belong. Every time he was holding me in his strong arms I felt like i belong and that i finally felt complete and home. But I guess the feelings weren't mutual. Maybe he even only played with me to his own benefit? Magnus has always told me about how shadowhunters can't be trusted because they only ever care for themselves and their missions. I guess he was right... but than how comes that Alec isn't like that? Maybe is the only exception along with his sister? Both of them have looked so sad and apologetic as they got back into the hall where everyone else was. They must of seen them kissing. Must of known that this is going to hurt me like hell. A heavy sigh escapes my lips. Guess I have been right all those years to not let anyone close to me. In the end i only ever get hurt by everyone. This time is going to be different though, because now I have a sweet little baby girl to take care of. Teach her everything that she might ever need, make sure she is safe and the most important, make sure that she knows every second of every day how much she is loved. The thought alone of my baby girl puts a smile on my face. I need to pull myself together, not for me but for her! She deserves the best life that she can get and I will be damned if I won't be the one giving it to her! With my mind made up, I hurriedly wipe away the few tears that have leaked out of my eyes. Taking another deep breath, I stand up. Screw jace! Screw everything that will stop me from being a good mother! Feeling already better with the decision made and the realization that I am not alone any longer so I need to act like an adult! For my daughters benefit I will forget this blonde cheating shadowhunter and concentrate on the important things in life!
Loud shouting is the first thing I hear as i get into my apartment. Worry is filling me up that something might happened to my sleeping daughter. So I hurry to where to shouting is coming from. To my shock, there is jace, shouting and with his sword in his hand threatening a growling Raphael who is standing in front of my baby's room. Completely ignoring their ongoing yelling, I instead walk into my baby's room to see if she was alright. There my brother is standing with a small bubble surrounding my still peacefully sleeping daughter.
„I just thought it would be better to block her from the noise outside." he explains with a small smile. Feeling thankful for his doing, however I am slightly pissed that he even brought jace to my new home.
„Before You scold me, talk to him. Believe me I was ready to kill him myself, but Izzy explained what had happened. Other than we thought Clary nearly attacked him with a kiss. He has pushed her off as quick as he realized what had happened. So at least speak with him. Let him explain and decide afterwards." he quickly goes on to speak when he saw my sour facial expression. Hearing Raphael's growling getting even louder, I know that I need to talk with them now before those two kill each other! Sighing yet again for the thousands time today it seems before I turn around and walk back out to the still fighting mans or should I say boys?
„It's alright Raphael, thank you for protecting her." I softly say and kiss Raphael's cheek in appreciation of his protectiveness. He nods shortly before smiling at me and walks back into my daughters room to look after her. When I turn back around I see a devastating looking Jace standing opposite of me.
„Magnus said i should talk with you." i say after sighing once again, feeling already tired of all this nonsense.
„Yeah, to be honest. I have been thinking of what I should tell you and how to explain what had happened. But now, I don't even know where to start." he says. His voice sounding rather weak and his whole demeanor shouts devastation and unsureness.
„May i see for myself?" I ask knowing this will be the only way I am going to believe it anyway. His sure nod makes me step a little closer to him. With one more deep breath, I lay one of my hands on his forehead before concentrating on what had happened back in the old hospital. After seeing how Clary throws herself at him and feel his utter confusion before the realization overtakes of what is just happening. With a quick push he gets her off of him and I feel the panic of what he just did and what I might do when he tells me about it. His fear of losing me nearly takes my breath away so I quickly lift my hand off of his head.
„Are you ok?" he asks with worried eyes. Still feeling like I can't breath correctly any longer. When two strong arms suddenly pull me into a warm and hard chest I finally was able to breath normally again.
„It's ok precious. Deep breaths! You are fine!" jace soothingly whispers against my head. His chest vibrating softly with each word he speaks and I right away have the feeling of coming home once again. How is that even possible!? Not even fifteen minutes prior I was ready to forget him and now after seeing he really was innocent and didn't cheat on me I am right back in his strong comforting arms.
„Please don't hat me precious! I swear I never meant to hurt you! Never want to kiss, hold or anything to be honest with anyone if that someone isn't you!" he says with promise in every word.
„Ok. Just, please don't ever hurt me like that ever again. I know you were innocent, but please!" i say and can't get the whimper from coming out again. His arms right away tighten again around me and my head soars.
„Never!" he says strongly.
„Believe me precious! I won't ever hurt you ever again! Before I do that I am going to kill myself! I can't even voice how devastated I was at the thought alone that I may have lost you and my sweet little princess." he promises and I can hear his voice breaking at the end. Slowly I nod my head, more to myself than as an answer, but more to assure myself that it is a good idea to give him another chance. After all he hasn't done anything wrong.
„Can we go to my daughter now? I am really exhausted." I softly say and get right away picked up. Within a few seconds I get softly laid on my baby girls bed who cuddles herself right into me. She is simply too cute for words!
„I will relocate you back to your old place. That way my sweet pea won't have to learn a new way home." Magnus states just as my eyes fall shut and I fall into a peaceful sleep.

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