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"Harry, it's three in the morning. Come to bed."

Harry, sitting on the sofa with his laptop balancing on his belly, looks up to see Louis standing there. He's sleepy-eyed, hair a mess, with his arms crossed. Fuck. He was hoping Louis wouldn't notice his absence.

"I'm almost done," Harry assures softly, frowning a little. "I'll come to bed soon."

"Baby," Louis sighs, walking over and putting his hand on top of Harry's head. "Please. You need to sleep."

"But-" Harry whines when Louis takes his laptop away from him, leaving his baby bump exposed, his t-shirt riding up over it. "Heyyy."

"C'mon, love," Louis mumbles, helping Harry sit up. "I know, I'm sorry, I'm horrible for wanting my pregnant husband to get some rest."

Harry pouts, but then smiles. "I like when you call me your husband," He says. Louis' grumpiness dissolves, a fond, sleepy smile replacing it.

"And I like you being my husband," He helps Harry stand up, kissing him briefly. "And I'm very proud of you for working so hard, and being so passionate about what you do, but you have to take a break sometimes."

"I knowww," Harry sighs. Louis chuckles and kisses him again.

It's almost ten, and Harry isn't home.

Louis feels as though he should be used to it by now, but he can't help but be disappointed. He was doing so well, he's been coming home around seven every night. That's still a little too late, in Louis' opinion, considering his office closes at five, but progress is progress.

He's sitting at the kitchen table, a cuppa in his hand as he sits on his laptop and Google's everything about little kids not being able to sleep at night. He knows insomnia is hereditary, but she's only five. It couldn't have gotten to her this fast.

The door unlocks, and Harry walks in, clearly exhausted. He looks at Louis, who raises his eyebrows at him, and sighs. "I don't wanna hear it," He mumbles, throwing his keys on the counter.

"You told me you'd be home at eight," Louis says, eyes going back to his laptop.

"Yeah, well," Harry shrugs, setting his briefcase down next to the door. "I was busy."

"You could've called."

"God, why're you being so difficult?"

Louis knows he's being annoying. He's tired, and irritable. They both are. He can't bring himself to stop, he just leans back in the chair and crosses his arms. "Gracie went to bed crying because she thought you'd be home. I'm sorry for being a little aggravated."

Harry's face softens with guilt. He looks down. "I-I just wanted to finish what I was working on," He says quietly.

"Hope it was worth disappointing your daughter," Louis shuts his laptop and stands up from the table.

"Louis," Harry sighs weakly. His nose is twitching like he's about to cry. "Stop."

Louis doesn't say anything, just starts to walk out of the kitchen. "You know, you're always talking about how much I've changed," Harry starts, bitter. "But you never used to be this fucking mean."

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