The Fireflies and Make Believe

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The club is booming, the music over the top and the amount of people in this room makes it hard to move, you can hardly see one meter in front of you without it being blocked out by another person.

But one thing or should I say one person has my full attention. A boy sitting with his 3 friends at the bar, his smile bigger than everyone else’s as he talks with his friends. He sips slowly at his drink and looks over at my direction.

I turn my head to my friend that is sitting in front of me before he notices that I have been staring at him for most of the night. He is just so interesting to watch. He will go out there and dance and be an idiot with his friends without even caring what people think about him. He is taller than average, all 4 of them are actually, but I find that even more attractive for some reason.

I look back over to the bar but the 4 of them are gone, the only sign that they were there is there empty glasses that haven’t been cleared yet.

“Hey there” an unfamiliar voice calls by my ear, making me jump in surprise.

“Hey” I call and look at the source of the sexy voice.

The blonde boy is standing behind the lounge I am seated on, a glass in his hand as he looks down at me with his amazing smile.

“I noticed you looking over at us” he chuckles and leans against the lounge, crossing his arms over his black shirt.

A blush finds its way to my cheeks and I look up into his light blue eyes. “Oh, uh. Sorry was just lost in my thought” I lie.

“No. It’s fine. Having the attention of the most beautiful girl in here isn’t something to complain about.” He compliments and my cheeks burn hotter. “Oh. My name is Lucas, but everyone calls me Luke” he smiles and puts his hand out for me to shake.

“Aurora, but people call me Rory” I shake his hand.

“What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl” he complements again and sits beside me on the lounge, facing all his attention to me.

My friend clears her throat, gaining my attention and she silently asks me to introduce her, even though I have just met him and she was here when he came over.

“Oh. This is Nattily.” I smile and point to my best friend who is now saying hello to this blonde boy. “Where did your friends go?” I ask curiously when I can’t spot them in the crowd.

“Oh. So you were being a creeper” he winks and chuckles at me.

“Uh. Oh. No. I just-“ I begin to say but Luke cuts me off with his laughter.

“I was just mucking. I dunno, they are around somewhere”

“I am going to go dance. I’ll find you when I want to leave.” Nat says before walking away into the crowd of dancing people.

I spend the rest of my night talking to this boy that isn’t such a stranger anymore. It was kinda like catching up with an old friend, but this person I have never met before. We sat for at least an hour, talking, not once having an awkward moment.

He gave many compliments through the night and I shrugged them off, I am not used to getting compliments so I don’t know how to reply to them. Especially getting compliments from such an attractive guy.

“Hey Lukey. You need to stop chatting up this beautiful girl. We have to leave” one of his friends interrupts us and wraps his arm around Luke’s shoulder.

“Uh. I had fun tonight” He smiles shyly, like he was embarrassed by his friend.

“Me too” I admit. This night is one of the best nights I have had at the clubs.

“So. Could I get your number?” Luke asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Sure. Give me your arm.” I say pulling a pen that I carry everywhere for some strange reason out of my purse and pulling the lid off with my teeth. He gives me his arm and I write down my number and give him a quick hug.

“Cya later Rory” He beams and leaves with his friends, looking back over his shoulder at me as he exits the club.

Nat joins me at the bar when she finishes her dancing, she is covered in sweat and water as she comes and steals my drink, chugging it down and pulling me out of the club with her. She is more intoxicated than I am, so she leans on my as we walk back to our apartment that is just a couple blocks away from the club.

The street lamps set a soft glow over the streets with the exception of the few cars driving around at this time of night. Most of the building we pass lights are off and they have their security bars closed.

I pull my friend into the old elevator in our apartment and press the button for the third floor. The elevator lets out a groan before lurching into motion. We usually avoid the elevator because of the fear that comes with riding it, the fear that it is just going to stop and we will be trapped between two floors, or that it will fall from the motors that pull it up and down and we will fall to our deaths.

But I think we are both a bit wasted to try and pull ourselves up 2 flights of stairs.

I unlock our apartment and push us inside; I lay a now sleeping Nat on the lounge and pull the blanket that lives on the back over her. I throw my shoes and purse somewhere around our apartment on my way to my bedroom.

Blonde Across The Bar // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now