Chapter 1- The Returning From The Honeymoon

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It was pitch black in the cool room. Strong hands gently roamed against soft bare skin. Beads of sweat glistened in the moonlight of the window. Soft kisses found their way from cheeks, lips, neck, shoulders, collarbone, breasts, trailing down to toned abs and soft, slender legs. Long masculine fingers slid towards a soft warm spot, and moans of ecstasy followed. Soft pants and gentle thrusting followed as the two nude figures entwined in the throws of passion. Warm liquid spilled inside, and soft breathing followed as the figure on top gently collapsed momentarily.

"Mmmm... " A soft voice purred. "I'll never get tired of that."

A hand cupped her face in the outline of the darkness, rubbing a thumb against her soft full lips, sliding down to her slightly protruding belly.

"Good, because we'll have plenty more time for that." The tall slender man sat up, the defined outline of his abdominal glistening as his piercing blue eyes gazed at the fetching woman up and down. "Mrs. Kaiba..." The name still sounded foreign to him, especially considering his uncertainty of the titles and implications of marriage. That was until he found her. Now they had spent two whole weeks of uninterrupted time together, away from the real world and job responsibilities, and still had 7 months before their child would be born.

The two found a comfortable spots together and fell asleep, awaking to the sunrise and the soft sounds of waves caressing the sand outside of their private villa. Seto sat up, and began his morning ritual while his new wife lay peacefully in their hotel bed.

Eventually her eyelids fluttered and the new bride of Seto Kaiba awoke from her slumber setting up to see her gorgeous husband sans clothing as he left the shower in merely a towel.

"Enjoying the view?" Seto smirked.

"I was before it started talking." She smiled shyly.


The pair finished dressing and packing for their flight home to Domino City. (y/n) nuzzled up against Seto as their private jet coasted over a large body of water. A gentle nudge nodded the young woman awake as they arrived at the Domino City Airport. The pair proceeded towards their driver's car, being followed and bombarded by photographers and paparazzi.

As Seto and (y/n) drove home, they reflected on the past few months. Seto had proposed at a beautiful beach pier and the couple had a whirlwind wedding in Domino City filled with (y/n) close friends, family and new friends from Domino City including Yugi Muto and his friends. It had been a beautiful day filled with love and laughter. Seto had planned every last detail to be perfect down to the icing on the wedding cake.

The shock from Kaiba Corporation employees was unprecedented. The two had kept their dating life so under wraps that rumors swirled that the quick wedding was a publicity stunt to keep Kaiba Corp Stock on the rise, but this rumor was quickly dispelled by Seto and those closest to him including Mokuba and Roland.

When Seto and (y/n) stepped through the doors, loud cheers erupted in the living room. Mokuba, Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan, Duke, Mai and others had arrived to surprise the two after their honeymoon. (y/n) looked over to see the look of shock on her husband's face. Normally crowds, parties and running into the 'dweeb patrol' seemed to put him off, but not this time.

"Well if you geeks want a reason to celebrate, I guess I'll give you one." Seto said calmly. "Everyone, my wife and I are having a baby."

The crowd was speechless until Yugi finally piped up. "Congratulations, Kaiba!"

"Yeah! Congrats, man!" Duke shouted.

"I had no idea you we're gonna be a father! Wow!" Tristan said. "Congratulations!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Joey shouted. "Whaddya mean Kaiba's gonna be a daddy and I haven't gotten laid in months! That's not fair!"

The room exploded with laughter, and Mokuba and Yugi shook their heads.

The ladies went up to (y/n) to ask her more detailed questions and offered to help throw a shower and help with anything that she or Seto needed.

"I think we're all set for now, but I'll let you know if we need anything!"

After the surprise party ended, (y/n) and Seto retired to their bedroom to curl into bed together. As soon as the (y/n) got comfortable in bed, she noticed Seto changing into... work clothes?

"Honey, what's going on?" (y/n) said, sitting up in bed.

"Something came up with work. Nothing to worry yourself with. I'll be back as soon as I can." Seto grabbed his briefcase and quickly left.

The Kaiba Corp Executive turned Mrs. Kaiba shifted back into bed until she found a comfortable spot and nodded off to sleep without her husband by her side.

A New Life: Married to Seto Kaiba (Sequel to A New Life in Domino City)Where stories live. Discover now