Chapter 24- A Fortuitous Meeting

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Seto Kaiba and his younger brother arrived at a large excavation site in Egypt. It was nearly pitch black by the time the pair had gotten to the pyramid.

"Still no reception," Mokuba said with a frown, breaking the silence. "I hope (y/n) is doing okay running things while we're away."

"I have the best and brightest working for me, that includes her. It will be fine, Mokuba." Seto said, trying to assure himself as much as he wanted to assure his younger brother.

The company wasn't exactly thriving given the recent crime spree in Domino, particularly since the crimes seemed to happen at Kaiba Corporation owned facilities and involved employee and patron deaths.

Even if that weren't going on, the business was still recovering from when Gozaburo attempted to take over again, leaving Seto in the difficult position of rehashing his sibling rivarly with Noah and opening back the wounds from his abusive upbringing with his adoptive father.

On top of everything else, he was about to be a father, something he wasn't sure would be in the cards for him, given his cold exterior and obsession with power and winning. And yet, he found someone that looked past his flaws, and not only that, she loved him because of who he was, flaws and all. He had dated casually before, but the amount of gold diggers dissuaded him from most potential mates.

Seto knew he needed someone that understood his special bond with his younger brother, and his drive to run his business flawlessly. His wife seemed to do both with ease, and was absolutely gorgeous, and bright and successful in her own right. A worthy partner, if there ever was on for the one and only Seto Kaiba. If there was a God out there, maybe, just maybe, they played a part in his fortuitous meeting of (______).

Seto quickly returned his thoughts to his conversation with Mokuba.

"Besides, Mokuba," he said to his brother, "I assured her we'd be back in less than a week, and I intend to keep that promise so let's make this quick."

"Mr. Kaiba, you grace us with your presence." An assistant said, bringing the brothers up to speed regarding the unearthing of the Millennium Puzzle.

A frown appeared on Seto's face. "You mean to tell me, you haven't found it yet?"

"Sir, please let me explain-" The assistant stammered.

"Seto Kaiba. I knew you would return to Egypt." a femimine voice said from behind. The brothers turned around to face a tall woman with chocolate brown hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Are you the welcoming committee?" Seto growled.

"How could you forget me already?" The blue eyed woman asked, a mischievous grin on her delicate face.

"Oh trust me, I couldn't forget the Ishtar that turned my Duel Monsters Tournament into a psychic hotline." Seto said callously.

"I knew you would return to egypt, but I didn't expect you to come back so quickly."

"What do you mean, Ishizu?" Mokuba demanded. "We came here so Seto could find Yugi's puzzle and get a re-match with the Pharaoh before his wife-"

"That's enough..," Seto warned.

"I don't live under a rock... at least not anymore.." Ishizu smiled. "You and your wife are all over the tabloids. She's quite a pretty one. Congratulations on the baby, by the way. Have you picked out a name for her yet?"

"It's funny that you mention that-" Mokuba began.

"Hmph. I guess you'll just have to read the tabloids and find out." Seto retorted.

The tall slender woman ignored the comment and placed her hand over her necklace. "My millennium item told me that there would be happiness and true love in your future, Seto."

"Unless your millennium necklace can tell me where Yugi's Puzzle is-"

"Mr. Kaiba Sir! Mr. Mokuba! We've found something!" An archaeologist shouted across the way.

"As much as I'd love to continue this little reunion, I have a Millennium Puzzle to solve." Seto said before leaving, with Mokuba following quickly behind.

A New Life: Married to Seto Kaiba (Sequel to A New Life in Domino City)Where stories live. Discover now