<3 Together <3

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Ming wasn't to be found at the university, nor was he in his dorm room. Poor Yo was getting more and more hysterical, sure that Ming hated them now, and couldn't stop crying, thinking they'd never find him. The whole thing made Kit feel horrible, since it had been his idea to lock the three of them in a room together.

"P'Forth!" Tum was running their way. "I need to talk to you!"

Forth leaned against his car, arms folded in frustration. "About what?" He really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Did Ming tell you??" Tum asked breathlessly.

Forth straightened, everyone's heads whipping around to stare at Tum. "Tell me what?"

Tum got nervous when he saw Pha and Yo were there. "Um...h-he's in the office, getting transfer papers."

"What??" Yo cried, taking off running across the parking lot to the front office.

"Yo!" Pha ran after him. "Wait!"

"That idiot..." Forth sighed, shaking his head as Pha and Yo disappeared inside the building. "They aren't gonna let him go easily."


Ming was startled when the door slammed open, revealing Yo's tear-stained face. He gave a little sob when he saw Ming, dashing over to him and hugging him tight.

"You can't leave! I won't let you!"



Ming blinked back tears of his own. "I can't stay, Yo. Not now."

"Then I'll go with you."

"You can't leave P'Pha behind!"

"He'll come with us. I know he will."

"I will," Pha appeared in the doorway, arms folded, and his expression screaming his displeasure. "I'll go wherever you two go."

Ming couldn't understand why they were being like this. Why weren't they letting him go! He'd wedged himself in where he didn't belong, and now he had to leave. He couldn't bear staying and having to watch them be happy while leaving him behind.

He turned back to the bewildered secretary. "Sorry. You were saying?"

"Ming," Yo begged. "Please, don't go."

"Um...here," she handed Ming a small stack of papers. "On top is the list of papers and ids you'll need. You're an honor student, so you won't have any trouble getting in."

"Helps I'm fluent in English," Ming managed a small laugh. Yo clinging to him was distracting him from the conversation. "So-"

"English?" Pha caught the word. "Where exactly do you think you're going, Ming?"

Ming swallowed hard before facing Pha. "I'm going to transfer to a university in England."

Yo looked at Pha pleadingly, tears still trickling down his face. Please, do something to stop him, P'Pha...

Pha wordlessly took Yo from Ming, then pulled Ming out of his seat and dragged him from the room. Yo followed close behind. Ming was too stunned to fight against being manhandled right away, until they were outside and their friends were watching them with worried expressions.

Ming yanked his hand away. "What the hell do you think you're doing!"

"That should be our question, Mingkwan!" Pha snapped, stepping into Ming's space. "What were you thinking, ditching us like that?? After everything??"

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