Last day

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Calypso awoke to the sound of banging on her door.

Her mothers voice floated through her bedroom door "Calypso for the last time! You are going to be late for school!"

She rolled out of bed all but gracefully with a moan and started to get ready for the day ahead. It was the last day of the school year and she was ecstatic. She could finally get away from the stress and pressure of school and do what she loved- sail. Calypso had a talent for anything to do with water but especially sailing. She had been doing it since she was five.

Sighing she headed downstairs to search for a uniform. It was always a mission in her house as washing never got done. She finally found her blue checkered dress in one of the countless baskets of unfolded washing that lined the lounge room wall.

Finally ready for school she bid a quick goodbye to her parents and headed out the door. Noticing that the bus was already at her bus stop she quickened her pace to make sure she secured a seat.

She plonked herself down next to her best friend Gem. She had only met Gem at the start of the year but already they were closer than any of Calypso's other friends as Calypso had a fear of being forgotten- replaced by someone better.

Gem had always been jealous of Calypso because she was beautiful and had a talent. She on the other hand was not very strong in the looks department. Well that's what she thought anyway and she didn't have any particular talent. She was just Gem.

They didn't exchange any words but Gem passed Calypso an earphone. She knew that Calypso liked nothing better than listening to loud music in the way to school as it calmed her down. Almost as well as listening to the soothing sound of the waves at the beach.

They both sighed simultaneously as the school grounds came into view. They looked at each other and laughed. They were free and had hardly a care in the world. All they had to do was start living life.

They made their way off the bus and into the school yard which was littered by students. Blending in was the key at a school like Ferny High. They quickly and quietly made their way to their lockers to get out their books. First period Calypso had English then in second she had music. They were her two favourite subjects. She bid goodbye to Gem then made her way down the hallways to English.

Hey! I'm sorry it's so short but chapters will get longer later on in the story.

Hope you enjoyed!


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