chapter 3

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january 2018

The story of Sun and the Moon has been told for generations in many different parts of the world, writing the two bodies to fit into a plot to tell a simple tale. Whether they are depicted as lovers, siblings or mother and son, each myth offers its own explanation of how the celestial bodies depend on each other for life, which would otherwise not exist.

In every story, myth, or folk tale, the one common thread is that the two thrive off each other's existence in hopes of finally catching a glimpse of each other as one comes up and one goes down.

Four days after hearing the breaking news that the curly-headed boy had been by my apartment multiple times while I was gone, I was still, if not more, confused than I was when I first found out. I was now sitting at my desk, staring into the computer screen, while I slowly drowned in the thoughts that flooded my mind.

Why was he there? What did he want from me? Did he leave his charger on his side of the bed?

Was he going to walk right back into my life and take my love from arms and then leave again?

Over my dead body, he was.

I had vowed to myself that I would never, ever, let someone treat me like that again. It was ruthless and unfair to myself to have the thought that I had done something wrong in that relationship. It was a mindset that was outwardly negative towards my self-being.

It was working against the work that I had done to finally get to a place where everything felt alright again.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, Elle comes and brings me my lunch and sits on my desk.

"Hey, are you okay?" She says while opening up the sandwich bag and setting it down on my desk.

"Yeah, just thinking," I say as I grab my water bottle from my bag under my desk.

"About Harry?" She asks, not even being mean about it just wondering.

"Yeah," I sigh "I'm just trying to figure out why he could be there." I look down while fiddling with the rings that are sitting on my fingers.

"He probably saw what he was missing when you published all of those articles while you were in Cali and then came running back to you for comfort when he saw you succeeding." She says while not even glancing up from her food.

"He probably got scared shitless when that picture of all his exes running on the beach at sunset in their pajamas came out," I say while biting into my sandwich and trying not to choke on my food while laughing.

After a lunch full of seeing what ridiculous scenarios we could whip up about why Harry was at my apartment, the secretary for the office came up to my desk.

"Hey ladies. Elle, Mr. O'Brien wants to see you in his office whenever you get a chance." Lisa says with a smile on her face.

"Okay, thank you." Elle and I exchange glances while packing the trash from our lunches and getting up out of my cubicle. We start to walk towards Mr. O'Brien's office and Elle veers right towards her desk while I continue down the hallway towards the office at the end, giving a small wave goodbye to Elle. I knock on the door and hear a muffled 'come in' from the other side. I walk in and see the boss man sitting behind his desk.

"You wanted to see me?" I say while fixing the sweater on my shoulders.

"Allie, yes. Have a seat." Mr. O'Brien says while he shuffles with the papers on his desk, trying to find a needle in a haystack. I sit down in the chair in front of his desk and cross my legs while looking back up at him. He finds the piece of paper I assume he was looking for and hands it over to me. Before I can look at the paper now in my hands, he starts speaking again.

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