23: A little rain never hurt

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"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Jaemin asked with a prominent frown making Jeno feel ever so guilty, he had said he was heading out but wouldn't say where. Of course, Jaemin trusted him but he couldn't help but feel a little jealous, it wasn't like he was meeting anyone in another country now, was it?

"I've told you many times that I'm fine alone." Jeno forcefully smiled, all he wanted to do was prepare for the perfect date but Jaemin was not having any of it. 

"Just let me go with you!" He whined throwing his arms around like a child, he just really wanted to have a day out with Jeno, on the other hand, Jeno just wanted to have everything absolutely spot on. 

"Ok fine, I was just waiting to see you whine like a kid, I was going to drag you if you said no anyways." Jeno easily lied, who knows, maybe it would be like a challenge to hide what he buys. God, he hopes so or this date might as well go down the drain. 

"Let's go!" Jaemin almost shouted making Jeno laugh a little before grabbing his phone along with his backpack and out the door they went. 


"Why did we think this is a good idea if we can't understand English?" Jeno muttered looking at prices that made no sense in his mind, luckily for them, a certain someone had caught them on the way out of the house. 

Mark stood there impatiently tapping his shoes against the shop floor, they'd been around so many stores today and frankly, he just wanted to sit down and eat some overpriced cafe food. 

"What did you buy?" Jaemin asked as he pointed at the four large bags Mark was gripping onto, the boy looked down into the bags and back up at Jaemin's curious face. 

"Just some things that Hyuckie wanted." He smiled, thankfully Jaemin didn't question further as Mark would end up having a crisis trying to cover for Jeno. Though Jeno did come out of the whole experience with a new wardrobe so that was a bonus for him.


"Are you sure I left it down there?" Jaemin questioned almost suspiciously, Chenle had been telling him that he'd left his sunglasses down on the beach but Jaemin had been sure he'd picked them up and put them back into his bag.

"Yes, I'm sure now go down there and get them before someone steals them," Chenle said while making his way over to annoy Jisung for the nth time today, Jisung would never admit it but he really loved it when Chenle wasted his time on himself. 

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows as he walked down the short path leading up to the sand, he was certain he'd picked them up earlier that day but he shrugged it off. It was coming up to half six in the evening so it wasn't too hot but it still had a nice atmosphere about it. 

"Christ you scared me!" Jaemin yelped as Jeno's arms slid around his waist leading him to another part of the beach, he only laughed a little without saying anything. 

"This is violating my rights Jeno!" He whined trying to get the hand off his face so he could at least see which Jeno practically made impossible with his strength. 

"Welcome to your evening dinner, please come this way or else Jeno said he wouldn't pay me." Once Jaemin's view was clear he saw Renjun talking in the most monotone voice leading them to some table. He wondered if the boys had gone to a local cafe and ran away with it, knowing them it was possible, Renjun wasn't the best waiter but then again by the sounds of it Jeno had dragged him into it. 

"What would you care to have," Renjun muttered as he shoved the menu into the younger's hands, he looked at the paper and back up to the so-called waiter with a sceptical look, either that or annoyance. 

"There's only one option?" Jaemin quirked his eyebrow up ignoring Jeno's chuckling in front of him to glare at Renjun, the boy standing held an obviously fake smile trying to battle through the pain of work when he'd rather be back cuddling up to- he meant he'd rather be back to fall asleep, alone. 

"Then choose that option." He grunted after yawning obnoxiously loud, Jeno tried his best not to laugh even though Jaemin didn't look the least bit amused. 

"Here's your meals, don't call me if you need me." Renjun smiled before walking off back to the house, Jaemin turned to Jeno with a raised eyebrow. 

"Well, he said he wanted some money so I figured it'd be nice to have some staff." Jaemin couldn't have given Jeno more of a deadpanned facial expression but he softened after seeing Jeno pick up some food and put it towards his mouth. 

"What's that sound, is it-" Before Jeno could finish talking a loud sound of thunder beckoned just as the rain started tipping it down. The boys screamed ditching the probably stolen table to find shelter which was nearly impossible given they were on a beach.

"Didn't you check the weather?!" Jaemin screeched as they legged it across the wet sand, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore only made the atmosphere more exciting for the two. All Jeno had to do was laugh loudly at the others attempts of keeping dry which were pointless given they were already drenched head to toe. 

"Fuck it, lets just stay out in the rain!" Jeno yelled outs, tanding in the middle of the beach, Jaemin stopped running temporarily to shout back a confused 'what' before jogging over to drag him back to the house. 

"We are not staying out here, it's pouring with rain." He begged he looked adorable with his hair flat against his forehead and pink flushed cheeks. 

"But out date isn't over yet." 

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