24: Jeno becomes a father of three

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"I refuse to see him!" Jaemin screeched at Mark before breaking out in a series of coughs and sneezes, apparently staying out in the cold wet and rain doesn't make for a romantic mood. It's all lies, Jaemin thought, what was the fun in staying out in a storm if the next day he feels and looks like literal shit.

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to him, I should've gone back inside." The whining would be getting on Mark's nerves if he wasn't too busy gathering towels and pampering Jaemin as if he were on his death bed.

"Then why didn't you?" Donghyuck sarcastically stated as he threw himself on the other side of the bed that wasn't occupied, luckily before Jaemin had awoken in a cold sweat, Jeno had gone out with Jisung to buy some souvenirs since they were going home tomorrow afternoon. Jaemin groaned at the bounce when a new weight had landed next to him, Donghyuck just 

sniggered before rolling to face him.

"It's not like he's going be disgusted that you're a little sick, is it now?" Mark inquired, Donghyuck uselessly nodding along in agreement, he would've agreed as well if earlier he didn't accidentally open the front camera seeing the horrid reflection looking back at him.

"I don't care about that, I care about this," Jaemin exclaimed as he singled towards himself in disgust, the two boys bluffed that he looked fine and whatnot but he wasn't the least bit convinced.

"If you really think that way then go and get a shower and we'll sort something out," Donghyuck said, the first actual thing he'd said that might end up being a good idea. Nevertheless, he stood up making his way into the bathroom.

"We really need to come up with a miracle," Mark said under his breath making Donghyuck laugh before walking over to the clothing options, he pulled out some shorts and a white baggy shirt for Jaemin to wear. If he was overheating the best thing to do would be to wear some cool clothing and stay inside where the ac is.

"Not really, if we just touch his face up a little he'll look handsome as hell," Donghyuck stated as he gathered his makeup, Mark spitefully agreed in jealously but continued on as nothing 


Around ten minutes went before the bathroom door reopened, the two boys in the room before sat on the bed facing the wall for privacy, Jaemin would've rolled his eyes if it wouldn't give him 

a headache.

He got dressed fairly quickly before flopping back onto the bed claiming that he'd faint if he 

stood up for much longer, in fairness he was quite dizzy.

"Ok so just sit there...Or fall asleep that works too." Donghyuck muttered as he got to work with 

his makeup, he'd always been quite an expert and applying makeup.

"Jaemin come on wake up!" A loud voice made itself known as the bedroom door slammed 

open revealing Renjun dressed up for a day out, despite the loud noise the boy remained asleep.

"Be quiet you little shit." Mark sneered as Jaemin lolled his head to the side irritating Donghyuck slightly, Renjun perched on the end of the bed examining his face.

"What are you doing, if you're trying to prank him by doing his makeup at least make it look bad." For the nth time today, the youngest awake in the room looked to the side at Renjun with a dark look on his face.

"If anyone says anything remotely annoying, I swear I am going to kill you all." Mark tried not to laugh whereas Renjun shrugged.

"Whatever, but seriously what are you doing to him?"

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