26: "Stop being so goddamn immature"

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"Who even are they?" Chenle hopelessly questioned as he, Jisung and Renjun stood a couple of metre's away from Sungchan, Shotaro and Jeno. 

"How am I supposed to know? I just watched him decline my call." Jisung huffed, Renjun was ready to throw hands as he watched Jeno laugh away with the two strangers, and as for Chenle? He just wanted to take a long nap. 

"Jeno," Renjun said in a somewhat intimidating voice, the said boy stiffened in his spot not daring to turn around as he heard the voice he's been hiding from directly behind him. 

"Want to join?" Shotaro offered pointing at the space beside them, Chenle didn't have to be asked twice as he flopped down throwing his head on Jeno's legs. 

"I hate you right now but my legs are too tired to care," Chenle muttered as he shut his eyes and sighing, Jisung joint Chenle as he laid down on the golden sand forgetting about everything that just took place. 

"What the hell guys?!" Renjun shouted making Sungchan and Shotaro jump but the other three were far too used to it already to startle them, Jeno swung his head around rolling his eyes at Renjun. 

"If you're tired, sit." He said making Renjun seem like some type of obedient dog which didn't sit well with him but either way he sat down with anger written across his face. 

"As much as I despise you for making me run around, my feet hurt." Renjun sat admiring the sea for a few moments before turning back around in confusion. 

"Wait, who are you two exactly?" Chenle opened his eyes also wanting to know the answer to this mystery. 

"Oh this is Sungchan, I met him in a restaurant just over an hour ago and this is Shotaro, he's Sungchan's friend. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to relax." Jeno stated and Renjun scoffed obnoxiously. 

"You know full well that Jaemin is worried sick, literally, and you just want to relax?" The other two nodded along in agreement, Renjun couldn't have been angrier. 

"Get the fuck up." He almost shouted, Jeno hadn't expected Renjun to have it in him to yell but he's been proved wrong yet again. 

"Why? Just so I can go back and confront Jaemin, who let me remind you, doesn't want me near him in the first place?!" Jeno screamed in the middle of the beach, people's eyes drifted towards them due to the argument getting more heated, Jisung stood up to try and prevent whatever was about to happen but Chenle held him back. 

"You know he didn't mean it like that, stop being so Goddamn immature Jeno!" Renjun snapped back in frustration, he'd never seen Jeno angry before and he can safely say he doesn't ever want to see him angry again. 

"Me? Immature? What about you, huh? You're the one who took his phone just because you were jealous," Bringing the incident from a couple of months ago into the argument probably wasn't the best thing to do but when you're furious anything seems to slip out. 

"Yeah? Well, maybe I shouldn't have ever owned up to that." Renjun finished before storming off with Jisung following behind quickly, Chenle stood up facing Jeno with a worried look on his face. 

"Hyung, are you ok...?" A stupid question Chenle thought but someone had to say something, sitting in the awkward silence wasn't a thing anyone liked to do. 

"I'm fine." He stated before sitting back down, putting his sunglasses on and shutting his eyes. 

"Renjun didn't mean it-" Chenle attempted to say before Jeno cut him off. 

"I know," 

Sungchan and Shotaro, who were sat in silence the entire time turned to Jeno with a sympathetic look portrayed across their faces. 

"Do you want to stay at ours, I don't think you'll feel all relaxed back wherever you're staying." Shotaro offered, Jeno nodded surprising Chenle, he hadn't thought he was serious about this whole fight thing but seemingly he was. 

"Jeno...You're not really going to ignore him, are you?" The Chinese boy attempted to ask but it was a dead end as Jeno rolled onto his side, "Do you want me to tell any of the boys anything?" Like a simple sorry he wanted to add but was too frightened to get on his bad side. 

"Yeah," Chenle's eyes lit up thinking that he'd be ready to come back, "Tell them to feed the kittens." Chenle's face has never dropped so fast mostly of disappointment. 

"Yeah, alright, are you sure you don't want to say anything else?" Jeno raised an eyebrow, anything else? 

"No," He grunted out, he just wanted to sleep but the continuous questioned were keeping him up. 

"Jaemin's calling," Chenle muttered, he missed the way Jeno's face crumpled slightly before regaining the cold look but there was one person who managed to see the pain behind the emotionless aura. 

"Did you find him?"  Jaemin asked in a desperate tone, he missed everything about Jeno, he missed the way he'd tease him until his cheeks were bright red, how he'd give the biggest bear hugs, his unamusing dry jokes that were simply not funny and the way he could make Jaemin happier in a split second. 

He missed it all. 

"Well...Sort of?" Chenle didn't want to ruin whatever was about to happen and he didn't want to be the one to break it to Jaemin that Jeno might not be returning tonight but instead would be going home with two men he met in the same day.

"What do you mean sort of? He's either with you or not."  

"Nice Jeno is not here, mean, furious Jeno is present." He whispered but since Jeno had stood up and walked off it hadn't made much difference. 

"What happened?"  

"There was a whole dispute in the middle of the beach, Renjun and Jeno were full of shouting at each other," Chenle paused, "I don't think he's coming back tonight," Chenle admitted. 

"W-What do you mean he's not? Where else could he go?"  Chenle could hear the panic in his voice rising, he could hear his voice crack as he began to cry and he could feel the presence of someone very close behind him. 

"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine, I love you, Nana." With that being said Jeno picked up his belongings and walked off the beach with the two other boys jogging after him calling his name. 


"Oh, Renjun how'd it go?" Mark asked as he saw Renjun enter from the corner of his eye, he looked up meeting eyes with Renjun's red face full of anger. 

"I'll tell you how it went..." And from there on everyone gathered in the front room listening to Renjun describe the situation, Jaemin felt his heart shatter, he'd never ever intended to do this. He was just a little insecure about his looks, he didn't want to bring his whole relationship to crumbles.

"Jeno yelled? Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?" Donghyuck gasped, it was rare for Jeno to get snarky let alone furious. 

"Now he's sleeping round some random people's house that he met a few hours ago." 

"He's what now?" 

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