[4] FOUR.

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This is cringe
I apologize in advice-

This is cringeI apologize in advice-

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Lian Ling
I stayed quiet. What if he's right?

"No no of course not, I'm a burden. And Renjun..? He's way too smart, good looking and popular. And I'm just nothing.." I mumbled. "S-stop comparing yourself please" I pleaded and close my eyes, letting the tears flows on my cheeks.

Huang Renjun
Why do I feel ... sad?

If Lian Ling is my soulmate, shouldn't I be happy??

it hits me...

'Soulmates could feel each others' feelings.'

She left me on read. What if she doesn't like me to have me as her soulmate? I grabbed my phone and called her.

Lian Ling

Renjun is calling...
accept || decline

"Lian Ling?" he said. "Hello" I replied. "Why are you crying? Is everything okay?" Renjun asked. "Yeah I'm fine.. Don't worry" I faked a cough. "Fuck this you're not. send me your location. I'm coming" he said. "B-but my mom-" "Doesn't matter right now. Let's meet up, okay?" he ended the call before I got to reply.

I sighed and just send him my location through chat.

12:49 am

Alright I'm coming

with snacks 😤

You don't have to,,, it's late man

It's fine:)

'my man' sheesh

Use the window or my mom will kill me

Aight be there in a few mins

Take care

✨get urself a
Huang Renjun✨

I smiled at his text. "This is the first time I've ever seen someone who's concerned about me.." I said to myself and look at the sky. "What if... we really are soulmates?" I said, looking at the brightest star. I smiled and wiped my remaining tears. I went back to my bed and lay down.

"Lian Ling" a voice said.

"Um hi...?" I stood up. Renjun smiled and tried to come in the window. He did it easily since the window is big. "I bought this" he awkwardly said, passing me a bag full with chips and milk. "Oh thanks.. You really don't have to" I said. "It's fine, not a big deal at all" he said and we both smiled.

"Mind telling me why were you crying? You left me on read when I somehow think we're soulmates." he asked. I look at him. "Uh.. you don't have to if you're not comfortable" he said. "No no. It's okay I will tell you." I said. He sat next to me on the bed, ready to hear my stupid rants.

"Your text hit my stupid brain.." I said. "About me having part of your name as my soulmate sign?" he asked. "Maybe yes, but not exactly that one.. It's the 'are we soulmates?'" I said and he just chuckled. "What if we are?" he replied. "I don't think... I'll be perfect for you" I said, tearing up again. "My life isn't happy. I have a mom who doesn't seem to love me. I don't know where's my dad. I have no one. And being together with...you? I think you're the sun and I'm the moon." I continued.

"You know, it's fine when you're being yourself. you don't have to worry about your family background. I'm not gonna be in love with your dad, anyway. I may not know much in detail about your past, but I swear, it doesn't matter to me. No matter what it is, I will one day love you because who you are. Even though we just meet, I know that you're a strong girl with a kind heart. I could feel it. and about your mom, I don't know much about her but I'm sure she still love you. You're his daughter after all. Lastly, I'm sure your dad still loves you too and always remember that... you have me. I'll try my best to make both of us happy" Renjun said, smiling. I started to cry when he mentioned my dad. He brought his right hand on my cheeks and wiped my tears.

"Uh you know that I'm feeling down?" I asked. Renjun ruffled my hair. "First connection, check" he said. "Ah the article wasn't lying" I joked, remembering the article I read a few minutes ago. We both smile at each other and and I could feel he was looking into my eyes. "So... now what?" I asked him, bringing his attention back to reality.

"When I know that you feel sad a moment ago, I thought you don't like me being your soulmate" Renjun pouted. "No- it's not that I don't like it. I just, I don't know, feel guilty for the people who love me" I said, looking down. "Alright. I guess we need to spend more time to get to know and understand each other. I really hate being confused." Renjun said and I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Hey, Renjun. It's already one in the morning" I said. "But I wanna be with my soulmate" he pouted. "Plus tomorrow's saturday" he added. "What if my mom came in?" I asked. He stood up and locked the door. "Which dumbass didn't lock the door" he said. "This dumbass." I answered and laughed. Renjun laughed as well.

"So sleepover?" I asked. "with my soulmate" he added and we high five-d each other. We got on the mini sofa in the balcony and started eating the snacks Renjun bought. "Are your parents fine with you not being in your house?" I asked, worried. "I'll try to wake up at 4 to go back to my house, I hope I WILL wake up" Renjun looked down, worry written on his face. "You don't have to you know..." I said before he cut me off. "No shit." he stuck out his tongue, grabbing the chips with honey butter flavour.

"So where do I sleep?" he asked out of nowhere while munching his chips. I choked. "Well uh I actually don't know. We can't sleep on the same bed" I said. "Yet." he added. "stop adding something to whatever I said." I stated. "Why? My words adds spiciness" he joked. I laughed and went back to my room.

"Yo I have this!" I half screamed at him. "The fuck is that?" he asked. "It's a folded mattress, you don't know?" I said. "Oh" he said. "You only sleep on the bed for your 19 years of living and it shows." I replied, giving him a 'duh' face. "Also" I paused. "Stop swearing, assistant vice president" I said and he playfully rolled his eyes.

He lay down on the thick mattress and close his eyes. "Um goodnight" I said as I turn off the night stand. "Goodnight" Renjun replied in Chinese. With that, both of us fall asleep.

This is frfrfr bad,,, I'm sorry ajdjkdjd
Short one but I tried;')


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stan Renjuice

have a good day/night ✨❤

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