3. 𝓕𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬

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Chapter Three

Why are hospitals so white?
Is it trying to blind you from the pain that happens here?
Have people died here?
If so how many?
Is there anyone like me here?

Why are the nurses smiling?
They witness so much pain in here
Yet they're smiling
Are their smiles fake?
If they are I'd be good at that job

The smell of cleaning supplies is horrible
If you could get high on it I know I'd be out of it by now
How do people stay here for so long?
The smell is probably worse than whatever they're here for

Those were the thoughts running through my head while I had my earphones in, the waiting room is boring so I was listening to some Anson Seabra song.

I was having an appointment today to insert the tube, I wasn't nervous since this is my forth time but I don't like it, it's uncomfortable and hurts a little.

"Ethan Wes Dr Reed will see you now" Me, Alex and Karter all stood up and followed the nurse to the office.

"Hello again Ethan how have you been?" Dr Reed asked he's quite nice but he's a doctor so I'm not ever happy to be here "I'm okay" "That's good I'm sure you're eager to get this over with, you'll have this tube for 3 weeks correct?" I nodded "Okay let's get started then"

The doctor grabbed the skinny long white tube and first checked to make sure water that he put in only went to the bottom and didn't spill out the sides, he then measured it and marked it at where it should stop at my nose "Left or Right nostril?" he asked "Left" he nodded and put a lubricant on the top of the tube before pushing it into my nostril while he did that I had to drink water from a straw to be sure it didn't go into my wind pipe instead, once it was in he removed the stylette and closed the straightport he then secured it with the tegaderm which is basically tape to my left cheek, after checking that the tube was in my stomach and clear, I was finished and we went out to the car the doctor had given me this machine it's like a pole with a pump that connects to my feeding tube I'm pretty lucky that I don't need it connected all the time only when I'm having meals other than that I have a syringe to drink water and have some small snacks at school, there are mobile versions of the machine that I bring to school to eat lunch.

"How do you feel?" Karter asked "The inside of my nose feels like shit, it hurts" I layed my head against Karters shoulder "we can give you some pain meds when we get home" Alex said and I nodded it hurt a little to talk, luckily it was a short ride home and I was soon on the couch with some medication being pumped into me, I was already feeling much better and was watching Outerbanks with Karter and Kameron a 15 year old boy with blonde hair and brown eyes, he's pretty dumb but in a funny way.

We have a small group of friends consisting of me, Karter, Kameron, Kyle, a pink haired girl named Mya and a ginger boy named Sawyer. Mya is the only girl but she could beat all our asses if she wanted she's 16, Karter is the nicest one in the group, Kameron is the dumb one who usually gets us to do dumb shit with him he's 15, Kyle and me are the most alike we're both short tempered and Sawyer who's the dad of the group keeps us under control he's 17.

"Why does it go in your nose and not your mouth?" Kam asked "I don't know, I'm not the doctor I'm the patient" I responded "Be nice Eth he's just asking" Sawyer said sitting next to Kam "Yeah but it was a dumb question and if he was nice Kam would just ask more" Kyle said sitting on my left "That is technically true" Mya said when did she get in here? "Are you feeling okay Thanie?" Mya said I hate that nickname "I'm okay"

"DINNER" Mrs Weather said and I sighed time for the first feed, I was given a feeding schedule like a fucking baby, dinner is always at six, Mr Alexander had me sit at the dining table still because it was easier than moving the supplies to the living room after making sure the feeding tube is still secure he checked my PH levels to insure I was okay to be fed which I was then he flushed the tube with water, which is weird cause it feels like you're drinking without swallowing, before putting the correct amount of liquid food in a carton that was connected to the machine once the food went through the tube he would flush it with water again before closing the tube it took awhile to go through though just like when you eat normally.

"When that's done I'll give you more meds okay" I nodded and watched everyone eat there meals "Do you have to wear that to school?" Isaac asked and Iason a 12 year old boy with dark brown hair and green blue eyes told him not to be rude "Yeah I do" I said not really minding the question Isaac wants to be a doctor so he always asks me questions about the hospital, he wasn't here last time I had a tube so he's just curious.

I guess I might as well introduce the others so far you've met me, Kyle, Kameron, Isaac, Sawyer, Mya, Iason, Julia, Marcel and Karter.

There's also

Andrew who's extremely flamboyant and quite vain, he has blonde hair and bright blue eyes, he's 8

Melanie who's quite calm and a natural leader, she has dark skin, short black hair and dark brown eyes, she's 13

Ursula who's really bubbly and quirky, she's Asian and has short Brown hair and brown eyes, she 7

Tobias who's is pretty much a robot he's almost never expresses emotions, he has platinum blonde hair and blue eyes with specks of brown, he 17

Tina who's a little weird and out there, she loves reptiles and dyed her hair green to match her lizard, she also has dark green eyes, she's 14

Now that you know everyone I'm bored so Alex thought it was a great time for give me medication.

He crushed the tablets before dissolving them in luke warm water, he flushed the tube again before pouring the meds in through a syringe and flushing it again, we don't use the machine for that, I went back to the couch to sit there for 30 minutes to prevent gastric reflux, after his dinner Isaac came over to me.

"What was the medication for?" "So I won't be in pain" I responded "Were you in pain earlier?" I nodded "Isaac Ethan needs to relax you can talk later" Alex said and Isaac said bye before leaving and Alex sat next to me "When's Emily coming?" I asked "In about 20 minutes, you don't have to see her if you don't want to" he said "Of course I wanna see her, I miss her so much" Alex smiled and just as he said 20 minutes later a little blonde girl came bouncing through the door and over to me.

"ETHAN!!!" "EMILY!!" I copied her and she jumped up on the couch "Can I hug you?" "Of course just watch out for the tube" she immediately through her arms around me and I hugged her back while overhearing Alex talk to his wife Mia "I don't think we can go out tonight, the babysitter cancelled" Mia said sadly "But it's our anniversary isn't there someone else?" I could hear the disappointment in Alex's voice and I hated it he works so hard he deserves a break.

"I could watch her" I said making there heads turn to me, I now had Emily snuggled up on my lap "No Ethan you shouldn't push yourself" Alex said "I'm fine I've had this thing in 4 times I can handle it" Alex looked at his wife "Only if you're sure Ethan" she said "I'm 100 percent, go out think of it as your anniversary present cause I got no money" Alex laughed, "Alright, Emily behave for Ethan okay, well be back at 9pm and she can have a snack if you're watching a movie" "I got it, if I need any help I'll ask the others now go" they nodded and said goodbye after thanking me.

"Ethan why do you have a child?!" Mel asked.

Hope you liked this chapter I get all my research online so if you find anything that's incorrect please feel free to comment and let me know thanks
Xoxo CarahFarrell 💙

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